Andre Gide Quotes

Text Quotes
The individual man tries to escape the race. And as soon as he ceases to represent the race, he represents man (Andre Gide Quotes)
The thing I am most aware of is my limits. And this is natural; for I never, or almost never, occupy the middle of my cage; my whole being surges toward the bars (Andre Gide Quotes)
The miser puts his gold pieces into a coffer; but as soon as the coffer is closed, it is as if it were empty (Andre Gide Quotes)
An opinion, though it is original, does not necessarily differ from the accepted opinion; the important thing is that it does not try to conform to it (Andre Gide Quotes)
Most often it happens that one attributes to others only the feelings of which one is capable oneself (Andre Gide Quotes)
The public always prefers to be reassured. There are those whose job this is. There are only too many (Andre Gide Quotes)
The pettiness of a mind can be measured by the pettiness of its adoration or its blasphemy (Andre Gide Quotes)
The most beaten paths are certainly the surest; but do not hope to scare up much game on them (Andre Gide Quotes)
What eludes logic is the most precious element in us, and one can draw nothing from a syllogism that the mind has not put there in advance (Andre Gide Quotes)
Never have I been able to settle in life. Always seated askew, as if on the arm of a chair; ready to get up, to leave (Andre Gide Quotes)
Though a revolution may call itself national, it always marks the victory of a single party (Andre Gide Quotes)
From the satisfaction of desire there may arise, accompanying joy and as it were sheltering behind it, something not unlike despair (Andre Gide Quotes)
I should like to enjoy this summer flower by flower, as if it were to be the last one for me (Andre Gide Quotes)
He who makes great demands upon himself is naturally inclined to make great demands on others (Andre Gide Quotes)
To be sure, theory is useful. But without warmth of heart and without love it bruises the very ones it claims to save (Andre Gide Quotes)
Atheism. There is not a single exalting and emancipating influence that does not in turn become inhibitory (Andre Gide Quotes)
Each of us really understands in others only those feelings he is capable of producing himself (Andre Gide Quotes)
It is easier to lead men to combat and to stir up their passions than to temper them and urge them to the patient labors of peace (Andre Gide Quotes)
Enduring fame is promised only to those writers who can offer to successive generations a substance constantly renewed; for every generation arrives upon the scene with its own particular hunger (Andre Gide Quotes)
Man: The most complex of beings, and thus the most dependent of beings. On all that made you up, you depend (Andre Gide Quotes)
Believe those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it; doubt all, but do not doubt yourself (Andre Gide Quotes)
The itch is a mean, unconfessable, ridiculous malady; one can pity someone who is suffering ; someone who wants to scratch himself makes one laugh (Andre Gide Quotes)
Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself - and thus make yourself indispensable (Andre Gide Quotes)
Envying another man's happiness is madness; you wouldn't know what to do with it if you had it (Andre Gide Quotes)
Then you think that one can keep a hopeless love in one's heart for so long as that?... And that life can breathe upon it every day, without extinguishing it? (Andre Gide Quotes)
What would a narrative of happiness be like? All that can be described is what prepares it, and then what destroys it (Andre Gide Quotes)
Know that joy is rarer, more difficult, and more beautiful than sadness. Once you make this all - important discovery, you must embrace joy as a moral obligation (Andre Gide Quotes)
There's no better cure for the fear of taking after one's father, than not to know who he is (Andre Gide Quotes)
The very things that separated me and distinguished me from other people were what mattered; the very things no one else would or could say, these were the things I had to say (Andre Gide Quotes)
The facts of history all appeared to me like specimens in a herbarium, permanently dried, so that it was easy to forget they had once upon a time been juicy with sap and alive in the sun (Andre Gide Quotes)