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Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes

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An artist cannot be partially sincere any more than art can be an approximation of beauty  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) The only condition of fighting for the right to create is faith in your own vocation, readiness to serve, and refusal to compromise  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) Art could be said to be a symbol of the universe, being linked with that absolute spiritual truth which is hidden from us in our positivistic, pragmatic activities  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) Above all, I feel that the sounds of this world are so beautiful in themselves that if only we could listen to them properly, cinema would have no need for music at all  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) My function is to make whoever sees my films aware of his need to love and to give his love, and aware the beauty is summoning him  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) It is perfectly possible to be a professional director or a professional writer and not to be an artist: merely a sort of executor of other people’s ideas  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) Becoming an artist does not merely mean learning something, acquiring professional techniques and methods. Indeed, as someone has said, in order to write well you have to forget the grammar  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) When I speak of poetry I am not thinking of it as a genre. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality. So poetry becomes a philosophy to guide a man throughout his life  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) We know perfectly well that neither love nor peace of mind can be bought with any currency  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) I think in fact that unless there is an organic link between the subjective impressions of the author and his objective representation of reality, he will not achieve even superficial credibility, let alone authenticity and inner truth  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) I know only one thing. when I sleep, I know no fear, no, trouble no bliss. blessing on him who invented sleep. the common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. there is only one bad thing about sound sleep. they say it closely resembles death  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) Artistic creation, after all, is not subject to absolute laws, valid from age to age; since it is related to the more general aim of mastery of the world, it has an infinite number of facets, the vincula that connect man with his vital activity; and even if the path towards knowledge is unending, no step that takes man nearer to a full understanding of the meaning of his existence can be too small to count  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) I am convinced that any attempt to restore harmony in the world can only rest on the renewal of personal responsibility  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) I think a person needs to learn from childhood to find himself alone. It means to not be bored when you’re by yourself, because a person who finds himself bored when alone –as it seems to me– is in danger  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) If the regular length of a shot is increased, one becomes bored, but if you keep on making it longer, it piques your interest, and if you make it even longer, a new quality emerges, a special intensity of attention  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) If you try to please audiences, uncritically accepting their tastes, it can only mean that you have no respect for them: that you simply want to collect their money  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) Being silent for a while is good. Words can’t really express a person’s emotions  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) An artist needs knowledge and the power of observation only so that he can tell from what he is abstaining, and to be sure that his abstention will not appear artificial or false  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes) Juxtaposing a person with an environment that is boundless, collating him with a countless number of people passing by close to him and far away, relating a person to the whole world, that is the meaning of cinema  (Andrei Tarkovsky Quotes)
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