Andy Goldsworthy Quotes

Text Quotes
The early firings contained many stones (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I’m very fortunate to be able to do what I do and live the way I do (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
People are the nature of the city, and you can feel it in the pavement (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I love the winter. Well, I love all the seasons, but the winter is possibly one of the most intense (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
The main source of my income is through the commissions of the large-scale works and big sculptures, the projects (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
Generally in New York, people just walk over you with no problem about that. Other countries, people want to resuscitate you, like, after a bit (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
We leave our presence in the pavement. We’re walking over it, sitting on steps (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I’m not a performer, in that I don’t like the public, but I work in that respect (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
Nature, for me is raw and dangerous and difficult and beautiful and unnerving (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
When I do the permanent projects or the big projects, when a work is finished, that’s the beginning of its life (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
The British climate, although it is very wet, it is quite mild in winter. We don’t get these severe - generally don’t get severe winters (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I go way beyond just the wood and stone but to the process of growth and farming and the tensions between the two. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
It’s just that when I work on someone else’s land, it makes me aware of the social nature of that landscape (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I have six acres in front of my own house, which I very rarely work on. Most of the work occurs on farmers’ fields around me. And I like the discipline of working on other people’s land (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I think that I’m always trying to get beyond the surface appearance of things, to go beyond what I can just see (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I go way beyond just the wood and stone but to the process of growth and farming and the tensions between the two (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
If you’ve ever come across a tree that you’ve lived with for many years and then one day it’s blown over, there’s incredible shock and violence about that (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
The process of growth is obviously critical to my understanding of the land and myself. So the process is far more unpredictable with far more compromises with the day, the weather, the material (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
Design implies a sense of mapping something out and then you follow the plan (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
The things that I make are that which a person will make. They’re not meant to mimic nature. They are nothing but the result of a hand of a person (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
Occasionally I have come across a last patch of snow on top of a mountain in late May or June. There’s something very powerful about finding snow in summer (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
My art is an attempt to reach beyond the surface appearance. I want to see growth in wood, time in stone, nature in a city, and I do not mean its parks but a deeper understanding that a city is nature too-the ground upon which it is built, the stone with which it is made (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I think that any sculpture is a response to its environment. It can be brought to life or put to sleep by the environment. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
I have worked with this red all over the world - in Japan, California, France, Britain, Australia - a vein running round the earth. It has taught me about the flow, energy and life that connects one place with another (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
Understanding the materials I work with... gives me a deeper understanding of my place. And it’s helped me make sense of the changes that are happening to me as I grow older. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
The main source of my income is through the commissions of the large-scale works and big sculptures, the projects. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
The photography is not the aim of the work; the articulation of the work through photography is another way of understanding what’s going on and what’s happening outside. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
Ideas must be put to the test. That’s why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas. There is often a huge difference between an idea and its realisation. I’ve had what I thought were great ideas that just didn’t work. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
When I do the permanent projects or the big projects, when a work is finished, that’s the beginning of its life. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)
As with all my work, whether it’s a leaf on a rock or ice on a rock, I’m trying to get beneath the surface appearance of things. Working the surface of a stone is an attempt to understand the internal energy of the stone. (Andy Goldsworthy Quotes)