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Aneurysm Quotes

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There is no disease more conducive to clinical humility than aneurysm of the aorta  (Aneurysm Quotes) It’s possible to keep drawing this moment out, any moment, hammering it thinner and thinner like beaten gold, like iced chablis, whipping it, whipping it to cheap perfume, each word blown to aneurysm  (Aneurysm Quotes) Dr. Louis Bush Swisher died from the complications of a brain aneurysm that burst without warning one sunny Sunday morning less than 40 years ago.  (Aneurysm Quotes) I hid the fact that I had an aneurysm for a very long time. I was embarrassed, and I just felt like no one needed to know because it made me look weak. Who would of thought someone my age, at 23, had a brain aneurysm?  (Aneurysm Quotes) Many people say that recovery from an aneurysm is like having a layer of skin ripped off - your experience of life is more intense.  (Aneurysm Quotes)