Anew Quotes

Text Quotes
An intimate friend and a hated enemy have always been indispensable requirements for my emotional life; I have always been able to create them anew, and not infrequently my childish ideal has been so closely approached that friend and enemy coincided in the same person (Anew Quotes)
World peace through nonviolent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Thus we must begin anew. Nonviolence is a good starting point. Those of us who believe in this method can be voices of reason, sanity, and understanding amid the voices of violence, hatred, and emotion. We can very well set a mood of peace out of which a system of peace can be built (Anew Quotes)
It is a sad weakness in us, after all, that the thought of a person’s death consecrates him or her anew to us. It is as if life were not sacred too, as if it were comparatively a small thing to fail in love and reverence to the brother or sister who has to climb the whole toilsome mountain with us. It seems as if all our tears and tenderness were due to the one who is spared that hard journey (Anew Quotes)
By all means, then, let us have psalms and days of dedication anew to the old causes (Anew Quotes)
The only person who behaves sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measure anew every time he sees me. All the rest go on with their old measurements (Anew Quotes)
When any real progress is made, we unlearn and learn anew what we thought we knew before (Anew Quotes)
Any man, however blase or depraved, finds his love kindled anew when he sees himself threatened by a rival (Anew Quotes)
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew the buttercups, the little children’s dower (Anew Quotes)
And my heart springs anew, bright and confident and true, and the old love comes to meet me, in the dawning and the dew (Anew Quotes)
History is the present. That’s why every generation writes it anew. But what most people think of as history is its end product, myth (Anew Quotes)
Before my term has ended, we shall have to test anew whether a nation organized and governed such as ours can endure. The outcome is by no means certain (Anew Quotes)
I invite you to consider anew what you know and what you have; what you are here for and where you are going; and how you are going to do what you have come here to do. p 1 (Anew Quotes)
We are participants in a vast communion of being, and if we open ourselves to its guidance, we can learn anew how to live in this great and gracious community of truth (Anew Quotes)
I love the sea with its impenetrable fathoms, its wash and undertow, and rasp of shingle sucked anew (Anew Quotes)
Fortunately, at the end of every season, we close the chapter and start anew. That’s the language of the series now, so it can organically come to a conclusion that we love (Anew Quotes)
Let’s start anew. Life is goals - Purpose-Attempts - Struggle-Dreams and Accomplishmenties. It sounds confusing (my fault), but it’s actually simple (Anew Quotes)
Happiness is when you let the pain out of your life, moving forward and start anew (Anew Quotes)
What do you believe in?--In this, that the weights of all things must be determined anew (Anew Quotes)
Transformation is an instant-moment thing, available to us in any and every second. Life starts anew when you say it does (Anew Quotes)
Ignore your previous experience and go into the moment. Be Here Now. See what there is to work with right now in creating yourself anew. Life is an ongoing, never-ending process of re-creation (Anew Quotes)
You are therefore in the process of experiencing yourself by creating yourself anew in every single moment. As am I. Through you (Anew Quotes)
The autumn air is clear, The autumn moon is bright. Fallen leaves gather and scatter, The jackdaw perches and starts anew. We think of each other- when will we meet? This hour, this night, my feelings are hard. (Anew Quotes)
He smells of secondhand cigar smoke and a brew of perfumes from his bachelor party, but it would be enticing foreplay to shower him fresh before sullying him anew. (Anew Quotes)
These occasions always took him by surprise. He was shocked anew each time the crisply surveyed, neatly kept world he so cherished rose up to confront him with all its essential sloppiness, irrationality, and bad business sense. (Anew Quotes)
Children don’t heed the life experiences of their parents, and nations ignore history. Bad lessons always have to be learned anew. (Anew Quotes)
Forgiveness is a virtue of beauty. You learn to see a person no longer defined by a past but one that has re-created itself anew. (Anew Quotes)
I’ve gotten used to not looking too far into the future; it’s best when you can begin each day anew. (Anew Quotes)
A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmareto the jeweled vision of a life started anew. (Anew Quotes)
Friends create the world anew each day. Without their loving care, courage would not suffice to keep heartsstrong for life. (Anew Quotes)
Returning to whereIt used to see blossoms,My mind, changed,Will stay on at Yoshino...Home now, and see anew. (Anew Quotes)