Angels Quotes

Text Quotes
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - it only hastens fools to rush in where angels fear to tread. (Angels Quotes)
Fear and guilt are the dark angels that haunt rich men, Khader said to me once. I wasn’t sure if that was true, or if he simply wanted it to be true, but I did know from experience that despair and humiliation haunt the poor. (Angels Quotes)
I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you and me in our darkest hours, to show us how to live, to teach us how to give, to guide us with a light of love. (Angels Quotes)
A Daughter: The companion, the friend, and the confidant of her mother, and the object of a pleasure something like the love between the angels to her father. (Angels Quotes)
Our Guardian Angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere. We ought often to invoke them. (Angels Quotes)
The first time I died, I didn’t see God. No light at the end of the tunnel. No haloed angels. No dead grandparents. To be fair, I probably wasn’t a solid shoo-in for Heaven. But, honestly, I kind of assumed I’d make the cut. (Angels Quotes)
I’d like to imagine I won’t end up in Hell, but I think I’ve done too much acid and listened to too much death metal to sit on a cloud next to God with angels floating above my head. (Angels Quotes)
While the angels sing, I’d ask you to marry me, give you the sun for a diamond ring, if I could do those things. (Angels Quotes)
All this bit about angels and all the different religions, it’s based on something. I think anything’s possible. I believe in everything until it’s disproved. (Angels Quotes)
Seventy-five percent of all Americans believe that angels are real. Which is amazing when you consider that forty percent of all Americans think DNA evidence is unreliable. (Angels Quotes)
I see when you doubt yourself, I feel your fear. please put down your burden and remember I am here. -your angels. (Angels Quotes)
It was your song that made me sing It was your song that gave me wings It was your light that shined guiding my heart to find This place where I belong It was your song Dreams can come true With God’s great angels like you (Angels Quotes)
At one school I visited, everyone had read ‘Halo,’ and they were all dressed up as angels - with halos! (Angels Quotes)
Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, by Allah given to lift from earth our low desire. (Angels Quotes)
I am not the first Buddha who came upon Earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world - a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. (Angels Quotes)
Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given; While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth. (Angels Quotes)
CHILDREN Are Like ANGELS And On Earth, ANGELS Have No Color.... It’s The Society To Blame That Teaches Racism, Turning An ANGLE To A Civilized Beast While They Are Growing Up.... (Angels Quotes)
Geniuses are horrid, intolerant, easily offended, sleeplessly self-conscious men, who expect their wives to be angels with no further business in life than to pet and worship their husbands. Even at the best they are not comfortable men to live with; and a perfect husband is one who is perfectly comfortable to live with. (Angels Quotes)
By the time Joan of Arc was 16 and had proclaimed herself the virgin warrior sent by God to deliver France from her enemies, the English, she had been receiving the counsel of angels for three years. (Angels Quotes)
In prayer, we stand where angels bow with veiled faces. There, even there, the cherubim and seraphim adore before that selfsame throne to which our prayers ascend. And shall we come there with stunted requests and narrow, contracted faith? (Angels Quotes)
Vampires, werewolves, fallen angels and fairies lurk in the shadows, their intentions far from honorable. (Angels Quotes)
Tequila! Would you not think fallen angels would be immune to it. Fallen, hate that word! I prefermisplaced (Angels Quotes)
Oh, and let’s not forget that there seems to be a gang of idiotic, fallen angels after me. Honestly, they could all kiss my ass. (Angels Quotes)
I slide my arm from under the sleeper’s head and it is numb, full of swarming pins, on the tip of each, waiting to be counted, the fallen angels sit. (Angels Quotes)
It’s okay, girl, we’ll make it till the sun goes down forever. And until then what you got to lose but the losing? We’re fallen angels who didn’t believe that nothing means nothing. (Angels Quotes)
When we started Angels and Airwaves, we wanted to produce our art on different mediums, but the film was an ambitious one because we actually didn’t go into it thinking we could make a big feature film. (Angels Quotes)
I ... believe that angels, or something like them, sometimes live among us, hidden within our fellow human beings. (Angels Quotes)
Ah, yet, e’er I descend to th’ grave, May I a small House and a large Garden have. And a few Friends, and many Books both true, Both wise, and both delightful too. And since Love ne’er will from me flee, A mistress moderately fair, And good as Guardian angels are, Only belov’d and loving me. (Angels Quotes)
...[O]ur Founding Fathers enshrined a constitutional separation of powers for the ages undeluded by the fantasy that angels would win elections. (Angels Quotes)
I hit rock bottom before I even went there. Actually, prison was the rescue mission that God had put on me. He sent out his angels to rescue me. In prison, he protected me the whole time I was in there, and it was just for me to get my will power back, to get my strength back, get my focus together. (Angels Quotes)