Anguish Quotes

Text Quotes
[On Ted Williams's last baseball game at Fenway Park, boston, mass. :] Our noise for some seconds passed beyond excitement into a kind of immense open anguish, a cry to be saved. But immortality is nontransferable. The papers said that the other players, and even the um- pires on the field, begged him to come out and acknowledge us in some way, but he never had and did not now. Gods do not answer letters (Anguish Quotes)
Discovering himself to be an oppressor may cause considerable anguish, but it does not necessarily lead to solidarity with the oppressed (Anguish Quotes)
Those who believe that they believe in God, but without passion in their hearts, without anguish in mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, without an element of despair even in their consolation, believe in the God idea, not God himself (Anguish Quotes)
I am the center of my universe, the center of the universe, and in my supreme anguish I cry with Michelet, Mon moi, ils m'arrachent mon moi! What is a man profited if he shall gain the world and lose his own soul? (Anguish Quotes)
But a sort of rupture - in anguish - leaves us at the limit of tears: in such a case we lose ourselves, we forget ourselves and communicate with an elusive beyond (Anguish Quotes)
The transformative power of love is not fully embraced in our society because we often wrongly believe that torment and anguish are our ‘natural' condition (Anguish Quotes)
When two people part who have loved each other it is as if what happens between them befell in a great emptiness - as if the tearing asunder of the flesh must turn at last into a disembodied anguish (Anguish Quotes)
The world goes whispering to its own, this anguish pierces to the bone; and tender friends go sighing round, what love can ever cure this wound? My days go on, my days go on (Anguish Quotes)
Consequences lost all purchase when they became mad. And desperation, when pressed beyond anguish, became narcotic (Anguish Quotes)
More hearts pine away in secret anguish for the want of kindness from those who should be their comforters than for any other calamity in life (Anguish Quotes)
Man hazards the condition and loses the virtues of freeman, in proportion as he accustoms his thoughts to view without anguish or shame his lapse into the bondage of debtor (Anguish Quotes)
Were a man to live as long as Methuselah, and to spend all his days in the highest delights sin can offer, one hour of the anguish and tribulation that must follow, would far outweigh them (Anguish Quotes)
The beauty of the world, which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder (Anguish Quotes)
Tut, man, one fire burns out another's burning; one pain is less'ned by another's anguish; turn giddy, and be holp by backward turning; one desperate grief cures with another's languish (Anguish Quotes)
One fire burns out another's burning, one pain is lessen'd by another's anguish; turn giddy and be holp by backward turning; one desperate grief cures with another's languish (Anguish Quotes)
Our foster nurse of nature is repose, the which he lacks. That to provoke in him are many simples operative, whose power will close the eye of anguish (Anguish Quotes)
The vilest deeds like poison weeds bloom well in prison air; it is only what is good in man that wastes and withers there; pale anguish keeps the heavy gate and the warder is despair (Anguish Quotes)
The anguish of the neurotic individual is the same as that of the saint. The neurotic, the saint are engaged in the same battle. Their blood flows from similar wounds. But the first one gasps and the other one gives (Anguish Quotes)
The man who cannot live with charity, sharing other men's pain, is punished by feeling his own with intolerable anguish (Anguish Quotes)
Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal (Anguish Quotes)
The loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired (Anguish Quotes)
The two elements the traveler first captures in the big city are extra human architecture and furious rhythm. Geometry and anguish (Anguish Quotes)
The Christian religion is only for one who needs infinite help, therefore only for one who feels an infinite need. The whole planet cannot be in greater anguish than a single soul. The Christian faith - as I view it - is the refuge in this ultimate anguish. To whom it is given in this anguish to open his heart, instead of contracting it, accepts the means of salvation in his heart (Anguish Quotes)
I speak of a clinical depression that is the background of your entire life, a background of anguish and anxiety, a sense that nothing goes well, that pleasure is unavailable and all your strategies collapse (Anguish Quotes)
I'm sure that everybody feels a kind of permanent anguish about what's going on in the world (Anguish Quotes)
I was much plagued by Satan, until I found that it was God who was tempting me; then the anguish of him passed out of my soul for ever (Anguish Quotes)
If it were possible to meet the beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation? (Anguish Quotes)
There will be no song on our lips if there be no anguish in our hearts (Anguish Quotes)
My truths are all foreknown, this anguish self-revealed. I’m naked to the bone, with nakedness my shield (Anguish Quotes)
Every deed and every relationship is surrounded by an atmosphere of silence. Friendship needs no words - it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness (Anguish Quotes)