Animal Rescue Quotes

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I love pets and I love animals, and I just got a new puppy, a new rescue named Peanut. She’s a tiny little Chihuahua mix (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I am just like my mother. She raised me to love and take care of animals, especially the ones that need it the most and so I started Eddie’s Rescue Ranch. We take in animals that need extra care and attention and the animals that get left behind (Animal Rescue Quotes)
We created a line of pet food called Nutrish that’s made to human standards, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to animal rescue. One of our top-tier donors is the ASPCA, and they help us challenge animal shelters all across the country to get more animals placed in homes (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I would always prefer radio or working behind the scenes where I don’t have to be seen. I don’t like how appearance oriented TV is (especially now that I’m middle aged!). But I am developing a show revolving around animal rescue which will hopefully entertain and maybe do a bit of good for the cause as well (Animal Rescue Quotes)
Through PETA, we rescue animals in roadside zoos and circuses. They are some of the most abused animals in the country (Animal Rescue Quotes)
Some rescue groups are highly organized, experienced, well-funded, nearly professional. Others are small amateur operations run out of garages and back yards. Their members may identify strongly with animals as victims, sometimes because of traumas and disappointments in their own lives. Others simply love animals and want to help them (Animal Rescue Quotes)
One of my obsession is animals. I’m into dog rescues. It drives me crazy when people go to pet stores and buy dogs. There are so many dogs that need a good home. And this sounds crazy, but I really believe they know what is happening and are appreciative, and I just think they make for the best pets (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I don’t wear fur and I understand their cause. I am the biggest animal lover in the world. I have four dogs and two horses, and I have rescued animals all my life. (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I am a huge animal lover. I prefer to rescue any of the pets that I have had. (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I love to rescue animals.... The pounds were so crowded they were putting animals down almost immediately. Seven thousand dogs were put to sleep. (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I’ve really become super active in rescuing animals, and it has made my life feel so much better. I can’t even express to you how happy it has made me. (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I don’t eat animals. I rescue strays and take injured pigeons to the wildlife rehab. I carry spiders and wasps outside in a cup covered with a 3x5 card. It would only follow that I’d take pause when contemplating the abrupt and apparently brutal ending of a tiny human being’s life, or even a potential human being’s life. (Animal Rescue Quotes)
Everything I do is to support my passion, and that is the rescuing of animals! (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I personally cannot tell you how many times we rescuers put our names on animals to come to us as soon as they are eligible for release, only to find they have been senselessly killed by overzealous pound workers (Animal Rescue Quotes)
I am in the process of starting a nonprofit organization that gives rescued animals a home in a simulated wild environment and, for those who have been tested on, who are disabled, aggressive, etc., their own space to live out their days (Animal Rescue Quotes)
Animals, they are one of the most beautiful gifts we have and, you know, if there are people that have compassion, there are very few people that put their money into animal rescue organizations. And if there is someone that has that passion, animals need all the help they can get (Animal Rescue Quotes)