Animals Quotes

Text Quotes
The animals to whom nature has given the faculty we call cunning know always when to use it, and use it wisely; but when man descends to cunning he blunders and betrays (Animals Quotes)
In most of the world, it is accepted that if animals are to be killed for food, they should be killed without suffering (Animals Quotes)
When fish experience something that would cause other animals physical pain, they behave in ways suggestive of pain, and the change in behaviour may last several hours (Animals Quotes)
All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals (Animals Quotes)
The unchallenged assumption is that humans may use animals for their own purposes, and they may raise and kill them to satisfy their preference for a diet containing animal flesh (Animals Quotes)
All the arguments to prove man's superiority can not shatter this hard fact: In suffering, the animals are our equals (Animals Quotes)
Animals are innocence incarnate. This horse is like an enormous child, and if one wanted to point out life's innocence face to face, one would have to typify, not a little child, but a horse (Animals Quotes)
He slept like an animal, well and lightly, faced in the opposite direction from that of a man; for a man going to sleep is about to escape into it while animals are prepared to escape out of it (Animals Quotes)
He begins to notice that he has been turned out of the silent company of the trees, the animals, the stars, and the unconscious life (Animals Quotes)
Man can acquire accomplishments or he can become an animal, whichever he wants. God makes the animals, man makes himself (Animals Quotes)
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals (Animals Quotes)
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself (Animals Quotes)
It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians (Animals Quotes)
Zoos are becoming facsimiles - or perhaps caricatures - of how animals once were in their natural habitat. If the right policies toward nature were pursued, we would need no zoos at all (Animals Quotes)
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality (Animals Quotes)
Mammals: a family of vertebrate animals whose females in a state of nature suckle their young, but when civilized and enlightened put them out to nurse, or use the bottle (Animals Quotes)
If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much (Animals Quotes)
By and large, people who enjoy teaching animals to roll over will find themselves happier with a dog (Animals Quotes)
You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals (Animals Quotes)
Sexual freedom, sexual liberation. A modern delusion. We are hierarchical animals. Sweep one hierarchy away, and another will take its place, perhaps less palatable than the first (Animals Quotes)
The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men (Animals Quotes)
All the complex wires of life were stripped out and he could see the structure of life. Nothing but rock and sea, the tiny figures of humans and animals against them for a brief time (Animals Quotes)
The fate of animals is of far greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous (Animals Quotes)
People are always the start for me... Animals, when I can get into their heads, gods, supernatural beings, immortals, the dead... These are all people to me (Animals Quotes)
The creatures that inhabit this earth - be they human beings or animals - are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world (Animals Quotes)
Undressing her was an act of recklessness, a kind of vandalism, like releasing a zoo full of animals, or blowing up a dam (Animals Quotes)
We're animals. We're born like every other mammal and we live our whole lives around disguised animal thoughts (Animals Quotes)
I first became a vegetarian when I was nine, in response to an argument made by a radical babysitter. My great change - which lasted a couple of weeks - was based on the very simple instinct that it's wrong to kill animals for food (Animals Quotes)
A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite (Animals Quotes)
Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs (Animals Quotes)