Animals Quotes

Text Quotes
It is an amiable part of human nature, that we should love our animals; it is even better to love them to the point of folly, than not to love them at all (Animals Quotes)
All tamed animals are nervous, we have given them reason to be, not only by cruelty but by our love too, that presses upon them. They have not been able to be entirely indifferent to this and untouched by it (Animals Quotes)
Animals we are, and animals we remain, and the path to our regeneration and happiness, if there be such a path, lies through our animal nature (Animals Quotes)
It is important that our relationship with farm animals is reciprocal. We owe animals a decent life and a painless death. I have observed that the people who are completely out of touch with nature are the most afraid of death (Animals Quotes)
I became an animal painter because I loved to move among animals. I would study an animal and draw it in the position it took, and when it changed to another position I would draw that (Animals Quotes)
Animals are so much quicker in picking up our thoughts than we are in picking up theirs. I believe they must have a very poor opinion of the human race (Animals Quotes)
One has to give a great deal of oneself to animals if one is to get the best out of them (Animals Quotes)
Does man differ from the other animals? Only in posture. The rest are bent, but he is a wild beast who walks upright (Animals Quotes)
In a cookie factory, different cookies are baked in the shape of animals, cars, people, and airplanes. They all have different names and forms, but they are all made from the same dough, and they all taste the same (Animals Quotes)
Animals were both the lives I took care of and the lives who took care of me (Animals Quotes)
Animals don’t even try to look any different from what nature intended. They humbly wear their shells, scales, spines, plumes, pelts, and down.... The conscious impulse to change one’s appearance is found only among humans (Animals Quotes)
Human beings are storytelling animals. That’s what separates us from other creatures, not just having thumbs or using tools (Animals Quotes)
Cats are the slipperiest of domestic animals. Thousands of years of genetic coding has taught them to melt into azaleas, lie motionless behind garden gnomes, glide along fence tops, and slink under benches (Animals Quotes)
We no longer believe, as we did 250 years ago, that the mentally ill are animals, but we are not yet ready to grant that they are fully human either (Animals Quotes)
I hate having to do small talk. I’d rather talk about deep subjects. I’d rather talk about meditation, or the world, or the trees or animals, than small, inane, you know, banter (Animals Quotes)
I love animals. With animals you never know what you’re getting. Everybody says don’t mess with animals and little kids in movies but those are the funniest things because you can’t be in control. I like to lose control as a director (Animals Quotes)
I think people say you shouldn’t work with children or animals, but you must only work with children (Animals Quotes)
Animals die even if you eat vegetables. That is the nature of farming. There is a certain sacrifice involved (Animals Quotes)
We might likewise say that humans are the neurotics of the animal world, in that they are the only animals who must choose to be instead of just instinctively being (Animals Quotes)
There are as many jealousies in life as there are different flowers or trees or animals (Animals Quotes)
If you look at little kids and wild animals, these are two groups of things that whenever I’m with them forces me to be in the moment (Animals Quotes)
When I go on holiday, I go to places that have animals I’m interested in (Animals Quotes)
I had a ton of animals; I had a goat growing up, a bunch of rabbits, a vegetable garden (Animals Quotes)
Learn from nature. Stuff lives and stuff dies all the time, you know. Animals and birds and flowers. Trees come and go, and we come and go. Thats it. So we should all seize life and make the most of what we have while we can (Animals Quotes)
I find in animals the same thing I find so wonderful in children. That purity, that honesty, where they don’t judge you, they just want to be your friend. I think that is so sweet (Animals Quotes)
I stopped eating beef in high school, and in college I stopped eating poultry. I am not a huge fan of factory farming and what we’re doing to animals. I try to eat as clean as possible because I want to know what I’m putting into my body (Animals Quotes)
We want more knowledge about our animals and less sentiment. Far more cruelty is caused in this country by lack of knowledge than by lack of heart (Animals Quotes)
Well lose more species of plants and animals between 2000 and 2065 than weve lost in the last 65 million years. If we don’t find answers to these problems, were gonna be victims of this extinction event that were at fault for (Animals Quotes)
We, as a people, we have a strong need to categorize everything. We put labels on everything and its a totally understandable need because we are animals and we need to understand order and where to fit in (Animals Quotes)
My own hobbies are rather quiet. I like to read and do needlework, and I love animals (Animals Quotes)