Animals Quotes

Text Quotes
Since the law prohibits the keeping of wild animals and I get no enjoyment from pets, I prefer to remain unmarried (Animals Quotes)
When you used to sleep with all of your stuffed animals as a child so none of them would be jealous (Animals Quotes)
Animals of all classes, old and young, shrink with instinctive fear from any strange object approaching them (Animals Quotes)
[To Aquinas] the senses are what we have in common with dumb animals. ... Our better part [is] the mind ... and [its] intellectual contemplation (Animals Quotes)
If a horse doesn’t want to do something, you’re not going to make him do it. They’re incredibly powerful animals (Animals Quotes)
In the end, we are only tiny frightened animals, doing our best to survive amid other tiny frightened animals (Animals Quotes)
Let animals live like animals; let humans live like humans. That’s my whole philosophy in a sentence (Animals Quotes)
Some rescue groups are highly organized, experienced, well-funded, nearly professional. Others are small amateur operations run out of garages and back yards. Their members may identify strongly with animals as victims, sometimes because of traumas and disappointments in their own lives. Others simply love animals and want to help them (Animals Quotes)
I’ve been bitten by a python. Not a very big one. I was being silly, saying: ‘Oh, it’s not poisonous’ Then, wallop! But you have fear around animals (Animals Quotes)
Farmers since the beginning of time have been feeding the world very successfully without systematically abusing animals or destroying the environment. But we’re breeding food that is less safe for us, it tastes much worse than it ever has in history, and it’s wreaking havoc on the environment in a way that it never did in history before. All in the interest of it being cheap (Animals Quotes)
I think of animals more as spirits that come and go. They enter our lives at a particular time and they leave at a particular time. The whole glorious history of animals with people is about joy and connection. It’s about loving this creature and letting this creature love you (Animals Quotes)
The meaning of life is pretty clear: Living things strive to pass their genes into the future. The claim that we would not have morals or ethics without religion is extraordinary. Animals in nature seem to behave in moral ways without organized religion (Animals Quotes)
The goddess Artemis had a twin brother, Apollo, the many-faceted God of the Sun. He was her male counterpart: his domain was the city, hers the wilderness; his was the sun, hers the moon; his the domesticated flocks, hers the wild, untamed animals; he was the God of music, she was the inspiration for round dances on the mountains (Animals Quotes)
The industrial food system is so cruel and so horrific in its treatment of animals. It never asks the question: Should a pig be allowed to express its pig-ness? (Animals Quotes)
The intuitive connection children feel with animals can be a tremendous source of joy. The unconditional love received from pets, and the lack of artifice in the relationship, contrast sharply with the much trickier dealings with members of their own species (Animals Quotes)
Evolution explains our biological evolution, but human beings are very unique creatures. As the Dobzhansky said, all animals are unique; humans are the uniquest. And that uniqueness of being human, language, art, culture, our dependency on culture for survival, comes from the combination of traditional biological evolution (Animals Quotes)
I see a lot of damage to Mother Earth. I see water being taken from creeks where water belongs to animals, not to oil companies (Animals Quotes)
There is increasing social concern about our use of nonhumans for experiments, food, clothing and entertainment. This concern about animals reflects both our own moral development as a civilization and our recognition that the differences between humans and animals are, for the most part, differences of degree and not of kind (Animals Quotes)
Lets get into talking about how autism is similar animal behavior. The thing is I don’t think in a language, and animals don’t think in a language. Its sensory based thinking, thinking in pictures, thinking in smells, thinking in touches. Its putting these sensory based memories into categories (Animals Quotes)
The Animals were their own worst enemy. The Animals were a band that couldn’t live up to their name. I was the singer in the band and as long as I was enjoying myself I would keep on working with the band. But it got to be rather nasty once the big money showed up - things started to turn toxic (Animals Quotes)
When it comes to animal agriculture, there is conventional, which is rally hideous, and ‘compassionate’ and ‘certified humane’ or whatever, which ‘may’ be ‘slightly’ less hideous. But it is all torture. It’s all wrong. These ‘happy’ gimmicks are just designed to make the public feel better about exploiting animals. Don’t buy the propaganda of ‘happy’ exploitation. Go vegan and promote veganism (Animals Quotes)
Mitt Romney is quite a guy. At one point he and his wife bought a zoo and fired all the animals (Animals Quotes)
The animals are at a level prior to thinking. They haven’t lost themselves in thought. We rise above thinking and then we meet them again, where we’re both in no-thought. There’s a deep connection (Animals Quotes)
People are beginning to realize that it’s important that we see animals in a natural state - but through film, through video, through documentaries, at wildlife preserves, and through other humanely protected ways, which don’t involve... performing for us (Animals Quotes)
I love animals. They give so much to you and demand so little. And you can trust them (Animals Quotes)
Elizabeth Rothra’s excellent biography of Charles Torrey Simpson restates his philosophies about the intrinsic value of natural ecosystems like the Everglades. No one knew better than he the history of the plants and animals of South Florida or conveyed it with more humor and enthusiasm (Animals Quotes)
Why were we driven out of Paradise? Why did we fall into this gnawing disease of unappeasable dissatisfaction? Not because we sinned. Ah, no. All the animals in Paradise enjoyed the sensual passion of coition. Not because we sinned. But because we got sex into our head (Animals Quotes)
Historian Larry Hise notes in his book Pro-Slavery that ministers ‘wrote almost half of all defenses of slavery published in America.’ He listed 275 men of the cloth who used the Bible to prove that white people were entitled to own black people as work animals (Animals Quotes)
Ageing is very rare. We only see it in humans and laboratory animals and in zoo animals and in our pets. Basically, organisms that are protected from the external world. Once you create that protection, you live long enough to see ageing (Animals Quotes)
As human beings we each have a responsibility to care for humanity. Expressing concern for others brings inner strength and deep satisfaction. As social animals, human beings need friendship, but friendship doesn’t come from wealth and power, but from showing compassion and concern for others (Animals Quotes)