Ann Aguirre Quotes

Text Quotes
My skill didn’t lie in planning battles, only in fighting them (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Not just when its easy. All the time (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
But the world moves on, even when you don’t want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
But wishes were empty thoughts, cast down a dark hole. They didn’t come true unless you worked for them. I’d learned that about the world, if nothing more (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Maybe I was just one of those people who couldn’t rest easy unless things went catastrophically wrong (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
The whole world is like Whitewall’s razors I burst out. It cuts us, and we bleed but there’s no purpose to it (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I swept down the stairs to find Fade waiting for me at the bottom. His dark eyes widened, and for the first time since I’d known him, he was speechless. He stared up at me like I was everything he ever wanted (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Sometimes I could almost hate you because you don’t understand how much you mean to me, how dark and empty I was before. Solnyshko moyo (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Each time Stalker called you ‘dove’, I wanted to hit him. Because you’re not a little gray bird... you’re all the light in the world (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
This is the way we win over our enemies, not with bigger weapons, or faster ships, but with human courage, ingenuity, and sacrifice. Don’t lose hope. We’ve faced the darkness before-it has nothing new to teach us. As we go about our lives, let us remember the example Dr. Navarro set for us. At the right time, anyone can be a hero (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I’ve held my silence when I probably shouldn’t have. But I was in the minority, a woman writing SF, and I was afraid of career backlash. I was afraid of being excluded or losing opportunities if I didn’t play nice. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Sometimes when you meet someone, there’s a click. I don’t believe in love at first sight but I believe in that click. Recognition. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
My heart raced. He needs you, I thought. Don’t let him down. I couldn’t remember ever being so happy... or so scared. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
My heart should be breaking, too, but there comes a point when you’re so inured to loss that you no longer feel the lash. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
But the world moves on, even when you don’t want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I’ve tried to be inclusive in my 2B’ series. Over the course of three books, I wrote African-American characters, a paraplegic character, gay and lesbian characters, a bisexual, Jewish heroine, a multiracial hero, Korean and Chinese-American characters, and a multiracial supporting character. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
If so, I couldn’t imagine how the opposite gender managed to get out of bed in the morning. They might be lovely to look at, but clear thinking wasn’t their strong point. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Too often, women are portrayed in two ways: as prizes to be won by men or as damsels in distress (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
But wishes were empty thoughts, cast down a dark hole. They didn’t come true unless you worked for them. I’d learned that about the world, if nothing more. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Possessiveness isn’t love. I’m not even sure it qualifies as an emotion. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
He’d said the sun could burn me. It certainly looked angry enough, all orange and glowing mad. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
He’s never going to sit at my feet and write me poems, which is good because I hate poetry, except dirty ones that rhyme. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
My heart shifted a little in my chest; it seemed to swell and beat against my bones until I couldn’t hear. (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I’m sick of asking questions everyone else already knows the answers to (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Men always want to be remembered whereas women realize that requires being dead (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
We’re broken in complementary ways, thus rendering our damage comprehensible to each other (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Here in the enclave, one didn’t prosper by demonstrating too much independent thought (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
A good huntress respected her partners instincts, even if he was socially ignorant (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Each love is unique. Special. Giving to one never takes away from another (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I couldn’t help what I’d done before I learned it was wrong. I could only do better in the future (Ann Aguirre Quotes)