Ann Aguirre Quotes

Text Quotes
A curve of silver hung amid the brighter specks; it looked to me like a curved dagger, pretty but deadly, as if it might slice the sky in two (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
My heart shifted a little in my chest; it seemed to swell and beat against my bones until I couldn’t hear (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I imagine the ones we’ve lost as ghosts who prowl about the edges of the light, waiting for us to join them. Sometimes that’s terrifying, and sometimes it’s reassuring, a promise of homecoming (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I shake my head, but I can’t change this. I can only bear the scars, as I have always done, as I ever do (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
... and I don’t expect him to suborn his life into mine any more than I would change my dreams for him. We’re not one soul, one being, however much we love each other (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
For I need this scar over my heart to remind me. Crazy as it sounds, if I can bear the wound on my body, it lessens what I must carry on my soul. How he knew that about me, I cannot fathom (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I know just how he feels that it’s come to this. Sometimes, love isn’t enough, even when it’s all you have (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
He’s worth fighting for, but I won’t change who I am for any man. No more than he should alter himself to suit me (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I think people can be trusted to know what makes them unhappy. Maybe we don’t always know what we want exactly, but we can usually say what we don’t with a fair amount of specificity (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
He’s earned a lifetime of peace and happiness, but some people never get what they deserve. That’s why there are saints in gutters and sadists in palaces (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Don’t worry he tells me tenderly. It doesn’t matter who you’ve been, who you are, or who you become. I’m with you every step of the way (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
I think my head’s a minefield strewn with triggers, and maybe if I survive each explosion, what emerges from the wreckage will be me, really, truly me (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Before he bent his head, I knew what he was going to do. Touch his lips to mine. Oh, and I wanted him to... I stilled, hardly daring to breathe. The old refrain of can’t and shouldn’t sank beneath the weight of new worlds like please and yes (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
He was the heat of a fire and the sweetness of the moon I’d only just met (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
This is not a love story. It is my life, and as such, there is love, loss, war, death, and sacrifice. It’s about things that needed to be done and choices made. I regret nothing (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Love sounded terrible if it made you so weak, you couldn’t survive with out it (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
My body was a machine, plain and simple. I worked it to stay strong; I fed it to keep it running (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Like most, I was a mix of good and bad, anger and protectiveness, kindness and pride. But right now, I had only strangled fear and the promise of revenge (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
If so, I couldn’t imagine how the opposite gender managed to get out of bed in the morning. They might be lovely to look at, but clear thinking wasn’t their strong point (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
My heart raced. He needs you, I thought. Don’t let him down. I couldn’t remember ever being so happy... or so scared (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
What was the good of having such a fine home if you weren’t willing to fight for it? (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Caring too much could be dangerous; I saw that now. But the alternative was no better (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
In the enclave, the strong and the physically perfect survived, but if you were strong, you protected the weak until they had an opportunity to grow into their own power (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Yet sometimes being a friend meant letting people do things that hurt, like putting distance between you, just because it made them happy (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Then in the interest of full honesty, I really wish you’d kiss me right now (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Sometimes it felt as if all happiness came at a price. You could never, ever, have perfection. Life gave you beauty so you could bear the pain (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
Because it takes more courage to heal the world’s hurts than to inflict them (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
But courage wasn’t an absence of fear; it was fighting despite the knot in your stomach (Ann Aguirre Quotes)
But it was like a dance across a field strewn with razors, and I bled with every step I took (Ann Aguirre Quotes)