Ann Brashares Quotes

Text Quotes
He no longer represented someday a possibility. He represented a road not taken a road that suddenly shot so far into the distance she couldn’t see it anymore (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She wondered if maybe tragedy was what it took to make your heart capable of admitting a new member (Ann Brashares Quotes)
It’s natural to overlook and even sacrifice the things that belong to us most easily most gracefully. So here’s me asking you to please not make that mistake (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She loved her mother and depended on her mother, and yet every single word her mother said annoyed her (Ann Brashares Quotes)
Their friendship was only one aspect of their lives but it seemed to give meaning to all the others (Ann Brashares Quotes)
It was probably good you couldn’t flip the love switch because sometimes it was what you needed even if you didn’t want it (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She was still waiting for him to come back to her, even though he wasn’t going to. She was still holding out for something that wasn’t going to happen. She was good at waiting. That seemed like a sad thing to be good at (Ann Brashares Quotes)
I want to go where you’re going. I’m not scared of dying. I want to stay together and come back together. You said that souls cohere. I want to stay with you (Ann Brashares Quotes)
When your about to criticize someone walk a mile in thier shoes, that way when you criticize them you’re a mile away from them and you have their shoes (Ann Brashares Quotes)
Bridget cried for the leavers and the left. For the people, like herself, grimly forsaking what precious gifts they would ever get (Ann Brashares Quotes)
If you didn’t have a choice, you had to make a choice. If you didn’t have options, you made some. You couldn’t just let this world happen to you... he didn’t see eternity. He saw this girl and this moment and this one slim chance (Ann Brashares Quotes)
He had to fight. That’s all he had. Not memories, not experiences, not skills. He had a will. And his will was to fight until he couldn’t fight anymore (Ann Brashares Quotes)
He didn’t seem to realize that three excuses was as good as no excuse (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She cared about him too much, and he was a dangerous person to love. He wouldn’t love her back (Ann Brashares Quotes)
He’d pushed her. He’d scared her. He’d besieged her. He’d vowed he wouldn’t, and he did (Ann Brashares Quotes)
I love her. I need her. I gave away everything I had for her. I just wanted her to know me (Ann Brashares Quotes)
He tricked himself into thinking that she would look into his eyes and remember, that love would conquer all (Ann Brashares Quotes)
Exactly! We run or we lose ourselves in something, somebody, anything to try and ease our pain (Ann Brashares Quotes)
How is it that a person could be so relieved and so disappointed, both at the same time (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She went around with a broken heart, and she wasn’t sure who’d broken it. She thought it was herself, mostly (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She liked the life she had. She loved habits. She craved a day with nothing in it, a long, quiet stretch of hours in the studio (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She existed in her friends; there she was. All the parts of herself she’d forgotten. She knew herself best when she was with them (Ann Brashares Quotes)
Lena always described how she dreaded and mourned things before they even happened. Carmen was beginning to suspect that she was permitting herself to mourn this long separation only now that it was over (Ann Brashares Quotes)
A part of her wanted to tell him she still loved him, and that even though this love was hopeless and long over, it still consumed her year after year. It was a tangled hairball of feelings and she couldn’t pull forth any one strand (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She hadn’t chosen the brave life. She’d chosen the small, fearful one (Ann Brashares Quotes)
She wondered again about her inclination to wish for things that made her so deeply unhappy (Ann Brashares Quotes)
It was like a dream you might have after death in which lost people came back to life, your friends loved you again no matter what you had done, and your failures were unaccountably forgiven (Ann Brashares Quotes)
Someday was the thing he had, because it was a lot harder to ruin than today (Ann Brashares Quotes)
He just wanted to look at her and know her life was marching along under the same arch of time and space as he is (Ann Brashares Quotes)
You hold on to old experiences: injuries, injustices, and great love affairs, too. And you hold them in your joints and your organs, and wear them on your skin (Ann Brashares Quotes)