Ann Patchett Quotes

Text Quotes
You can’t spend your whole life in front of a screen (Ann Patchett Quotes)
When I wrote nonfiction, my best work was the really personal stuff (Ann Patchett Quotes)
Nonfiction is easy and fiction is hard (Ann Patchett Quotes)
Fiction is always really a labor (Ann Patchett Quotes)
You should not have assault rifles in your home (Ann Patchett Quotes)
The love between humans is the thing that nails us to the earth (Ann Patchett Quotes)
You can’t be a jerk in order to be a good writer (Ann Patchett Quotes)
Part of it is living in Tennessee. I’m so out of the loop. and as a person, I’m out of the loop. I’m oblivious by nature (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I made a startling discovery. Time spent writing = output of work. Amazing (Ann Patchett Quotes)
There are, of course, people who didn’t create the trouble they’re in, but lots of them do (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I craft everything in the beginning. I know where the characters are going before I start writing the book (Ann Patchett Quotes)
Guns are dangerous and damaging even when no one gets shot. They really do loom (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I love a large cast of characters. That’s the way life is: it’s flooded with people and we keep them all straight (Ann Patchett Quotes)
We have different kinds of intimacy with many, many people. I’m disappointed by well-written novels that only deal with two or three people (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I’m very sentimental about lobsters. The last lobster I ate was the only lobster I cooked (Ann Patchett Quotes)
My writing process has changed because it’s harder to find uninterrupted time (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I tend to keep my ideas in my head. When I write something down in a notebook it’s never centralized. There are too many notebooks floating around, but maybe that’s a good thing (Ann Patchett Quotes)
The idea I pursue is the one that keeps coming back to me. The characters I think about as I’m falling asleep at night or when I’m driving to the grocery store are the one’s I wind up writing about (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I don’t believe in fate, as in, which I - as a Catholic, I think, sort of predestination. But I certainly believe in chance (Ann Patchett Quotes)
That’s the way I work. I get it all plotted in my mind, and then I write it down (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I know where I’m going. And if I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t tend to get anywhere (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I think, if you want to grow a novelist, for that person to have a lot of boring time trying to entertain themselves is very important (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I love telling people what to read. It’s my favorite thing in the world, to buy books and force books on people, take bad books away from people, give them better books (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I could teach. I could wait tables. I could cook in a restaurant. Food and teaching were the two skills I had (Ann Patchett Quotes)
If I was a waitress, I was too tired at the end of the day when I came home to try to write (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I decided to make my living as a magazine writer. And I found that it was really easy and fun (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I saw that my best work was my most personal work, which is odd, because my fiction is very far afield and has nothing to do with my life (Ann Patchett Quotes)
I am sure every writer has this and probably every newscaster, that people are always coming up to me and saying, my daughter wants to do what you do, my godson, my tennis partner (Ann Patchett Quotes)
The hardest piece of nonfiction I ever wrote isn’t anywhere close to the easiest piece of fiction I never wrote (Ann Patchett Quotes)
There can be something cruel about people who have had good fortune. They equate it with personal goodness (Ann Patchett Quotes)