Anna Quindlen Quotes

Text Quotes
For most of my life the only ceremonies I've been to at which women were the stars were weddings. So I like weddings (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
We are writers. We danced with words, as children, in what became familiar patterns. The words became our friends and our companions, and without even saying it aloud, a thought danced with them: I can do this. This is who I am (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Every reader, I suspect, has a book like this somewhere in his or her past, a book that seemed to hold within it, at that moment, all the mysteries of the universe (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
All the things we don’t say, all the words we swallow, and it makes nothing but trouble (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
One of the useful things about age is realizing conventional wisdom is often simply inertia with a candy coating of conformity (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
I believe that in a contest between the living and the almost living, the latter must, if necessary, give way to the will of the former (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Stereotypes fall in the face of humanity. We human beings are best understood one at a time (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
I went to a women’s college.... it was a little like learning to swim while holding on to the side of the pool; I didn’t learn the arm movements until after I graduated, but by that time I was one hell of a kicker (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
High fashion has little to do with what women wear and a lot to do with what retailers mark down later (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Real friends offer both hard truths and soft landings and realize that it’s sometimes more important to be nice than to be honest (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
The separation of church and state grew out of a desire, not so much to protect government from religion, but to protect religion from government (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Poor kids are much more likely to become sick than their richer counterparts, but much less likely to have health insurance. Talk about a double whammy (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Hospitals are a little like the beach. The next wave comes in, and the footprints of your pain and suffering, your delivery and recovery, are obliterated (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
The most sacred business of judges is not to ratify the will of the majority but to protect the minority from its tyranny (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Life is made up of moments, small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of gray cement (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
A safety net of small white lies can be the bedrock of a successful marriage. You wouldn’t believe how cheaply I can do a kitchen renovation (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Women writers of all people should know better than to pigeonhole women, put them in little groups, the smart one, the sweet one (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Ethnic stereotypes are misshapen pearls, sometimes with a sandy grain of truth at their center.... but they ignore complexity, change, and individuality (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
That’s what makes life so hard for women, that instead of thinking that this is the way things are, we always think it’s the way we are (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
What we call things matters.... The words we use, and how we perceive those words, reflect how we value, or devalue, people, places, and things (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
You’re like a cake when you’re young. You can’t rush it or it will fall, or just turn out wrong. Rising takes patience, and heat (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Over the last twenty years, we’ve changed the world just enough to make it radically different, but not enough to make it work (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
My sister is a public school teacher. She makes far far less money than I do, and gets almost no public attention for her work. Yet I believe what she does is infinitely more important and more difficult than what I do (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Reading is another thing that has made me more human by exposing me to worlds I might never have entered and people I might never meet (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
There’s no greater happiness than doing something every day that you love, that you feel you do in a satisfactory fashion, and which both supports and gives you time to support your family. I felt so lucky to have all that (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
I’ve been a feminist since I was a teenager, but originally it was because I wanted to make the world a better place for me (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Fifty years ago, teachers said their top discipline problems were talking, chewing gum, making noise, and running in the halls. The current list, by contrast, sounds like a cross between a rap sheet and the seven deadly sins (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Life is so messy that the temptation to straighten it up is very strong. And the results always illusory (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
What had I expected of the first child? Everything. Rocket scientist. Neurosurgeon. Designated hitter. We talked wisely at cocktail parties about the sad mistake our mothers had made in pinning all their hopes and dreams on us. We were full of it (Anna Quindlen Quotes)
Young men kill someone for a handful of coins, then are remorseless, even casual: Hey, man, things happen. And their parents nab the culprit: it was the city, the cops, the system, the crowd, the music. Anyone but him. Anyone but me (Anna Quindlen Quotes)