Anne Carson Quotes

Text Quotes
We participate in the creation of the world by decreating ourselves (Anne Carson Quotes)
My religion makes no sense and does not help me therefore I pursue it (Anne Carson Quotes)
Up against another human being one’s own procedures take on definition (Anne Carson Quotes)
To live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing (Anne Carson Quotes)
Desire doubled is love and love doubled is madness (Anne Carson Quotes)
Caught between the tongue and the taste (Anne Carson Quotes)
He stood against the wind and let it peel him clean (Anne Carson Quotes)
Sometimes a journey makes itself necessary (Anne Carson Quotes)
Reality is a sound, you have to tune in to it not just keep yelling (Anne Carson Quotes)
Give me a world, you have taken the world I was (Anne Carson Quotes)
When I desire you a part of me is gone (Anne Carson Quotes)
Philosophers say man forms himself in dialogue (Anne Carson Quotes)
Desire is no light thing (Anne Carson Quotes)
A refugee population is hungry for language and aware that anything can happen (Anne Carson Quotes)
Love is a good place to situate our distrust of fake women (Anne Carson Quotes)
Under the seams runs the pain (Anne Carson Quotes)
Then a miracle occurred in the form of a plate of sandwiches. Geryon took three and buried his mouth in a delicious block of white bread filled with tomatoes and butter and salt. He thought about how delicious it was, how he liked slippery foods, how slipperiness can be of different kinds. I am a philosopher of sandwiches, he decided. Things good on the inside (Anne Carson Quotes)
Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief (Anne Carson Quotes)
To be running breathlessly, but not yet arrived, is itself delightful, a suspended moment of living hope (Anne Carson Quotes)
Sometimes I dream a sentence and write it down. It’s usually nonsense, but sometimes it seems a key to another world (Anne Carson Quotes)
You can get used to eating breakfast with a man in a fedora. You can get used to anything, my mother was in the habit of saying (Anne Carson Quotes)
We are only midway through the central verse of our youth when we see ourselves begin to blacken... We had been seduced into thinking that we were immortal and suddenly the affair is over (Anne Carson Quotes)
Prowling the meanings of a word, prowling the history of a person, no use expecting a flood of light. Human words have no main switch. But all those little kidnaps in the dark. And then the luminous, big, shivering, discandied, unrepentant, barking web of them that hangs in your mind when you turn back to the page you were trying to translate (Anne Carson Quotes)
What would it be like to live in a library of melted books. With sentences streaming over the floor and all the punctuation settled to the bottom as a residue. It would be confusing. Unforgivable. A great adventure (Anne Carson Quotes)
Could you visit me in dreams? That would cheer me. Sweet to see friends in the night, however short the time (Anne Carson Quotes)
Small, red, and upright he waited, gripping his new bookbag tight in one hand and touching a lucky penny inside his coat pocket with the other, while the first snows of winter floated down on his eyelashes and covered the branches around him and silenced all trace of the world (Anne Carson Quotes)
Words bounce. Words, if you let them, will do what they want to do and what they have to do (Anne Carson Quotes)
Here we go mother on the shipless ocean. Pity us, pity the ocean, here we go (Anne Carson Quotes)
Meanwhile music pounded / across hearts opening every valve to the desperate drama of being / a self in a song (Anne Carson Quotes)
A man moves through time. It means nothing except that, like a harpoon, once thrown he will arrive (Anne Carson Quotes)