Anne Lamott Quotes

Text Quotes
I love silence. I seek and create it at every opportunity. I need it to work. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Sometimes I think God loves the ones who most desperately ache and are most desperately lost - his or her wildest, most messed-up children - the way you’d ache and love a screwed-up rebel daughter in juvenile hall. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Grace means you’re in a different universe from where you had been stuck, when you had absolutely no way to get there on your own. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Every woman’s path is difficult, and many mothers were as equipped to raise children as wire monkey mothers. I say that without judgment: It is, sadly, true. An unhealthy mother’s love is withering. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
One thing I know for sure about raising children is that every single day a kid needs discipline.... But also every single day a kid needs a break. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I don’t think you have time to waste not writing because you are afraid you won’t be good at it. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
...after a few days at the desk, telling the truth in an interesting way turns out to be as easy and pleasurable as bathing a cat. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
When everything starts going wrong all at once, it is to protect something big and lovely that is trying to get itself born. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I was raised in a family where none of us ever raised a voice, so there was no room to express feelings of rage or even unabashed joy - a little bashed joy, here or there, or being mildly disgruntled. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
My best teachers were mess, failure, death, mistakes, and the people I hated, including myself (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I try to write the books I would love to come upon that are honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual transformation, families, secrets, wonder, craziness - and that can make me laugh. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Left to my own devices, my first inclination is to mess in other people’s lives. I secretly believe my whole family, and really the whole world, is my responsibility. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I’m much calmer as I get older, but I’m still just as capable of getting that strung-out stressed-out feeling of mental and spiritual unwellness. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Most of me was glad when my mother died. She was a handful, but not in a cute, festive way. More in a life-threatening way, that had caused me a long time ago to give up all hope of ever feeling good about having had her as a mother. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
If you’re lucky you find your way into a spiritual community and you start to find the great teachers of all the ages who said the same thing. There’s only love, you’re made of love. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I don’t have very sophisticated taste in music. I listen to a lot of folk music. I like reggae. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I’m kind of a gossip hound, but watching the media whip the small fires into giant forest fires so that they can cover the result is infuriating. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
You want to give me chocolate and flowers? That would be great. I love them both. I just don’t want them out of guilt, and I don’t want them if you’re not going to give them to all the people who helped mother our children. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
If God was giving me a ham, I’d be crazy not to receive it. Maybe it was the ham of God, who takes away the sins of the world. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
I happen to be a Christian, but I know that there is one God. People worshipping goodness and love and kindness and truth are worshipping the same God. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
The opposite of faith is not doubt: It is certainty. It is madness. You can tell you have created God in your own image when it turns out that he or she hates all the same people you do. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
No one tells you that your life is effectively over when you have a child: that you’re never going to draw another complacent breath again... or that whatever level of hypochondria and rage you’d learned to repress and live with is going to seem like the good old days. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Everything takes me forever. It’s all lurch, flail. I hope that is good news to you writers. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Everyone is flailing through this life without an owner’s manual, with whatever modicum of grace and good humor we can manage. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
It’s good to do uncomfortable things. It’s weight training for life. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Gratitude begins in our hearts and then dovetails into behavior. It almost always makes you willing to be of service, which is where the joy resides. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
All parents are an embarrassment to their kids. Often, grandparents are the relief. Kids don’t have to resist you. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Age has given me the gift of me; it just gave me what I was always longing for, which was to get to be the woman I’ve already dreamt of being. Which is somebody who can do rest and do hard work and be a really constant companion, a constant, tender-hearted wife to myself. (Anne Lamott Quotes)
Talking to the parents of older kids was helpful for me, since parents of kids the same age as yours won’t admit how horrible their children are. (Anne Lamott Quotes)