Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes

Text Quotes
We are amused through the intellect, but it is the heart that saves us from ennui (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
It would seem that by our sorrows only we are called to a knowledge of the Infinite. Are we happy? the limits of life constrain us on all sides (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
The root of sanctity is sanity. A man must be healthy before he can be holy. We bathe first, and then perfume (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
I can understand the things that afflict mankind, but I often marvel at God those which console. An atom may wound, but God alone can heal (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
I study much, and the more I study, the oftener I go back to those first principles which are so simple that childhood itself can lisp them (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
The best of lessons, for a good many people, would be to listen at a keyhole. It is a pity for such that the practice is dishonorable (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
There are times when it would seem as if God fished with a line, and the devil with a net (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
Our faults afflict us more than our good deeds console. Pain is ever uppermost in the conscience as in the heart (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
There is nothing steadfast in life but our memories. We are sure of keeping intact only that which we have lost (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
There are not good things enough in life to indemnify us for the neglect of a single duty (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
To reveal imprudently the spot where we are most sensitive and vulnerable is to invite a blow. The demigod Achilles admitted no one to his confidence (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
The fact that God has prohibited despair gives misfortune the right to hope all things, and leaves hope free to dare all things (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
Faith, amid the disorders of a sinful life, is like the lamp burning in an ancient tomb (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
When we see the shameful fortunes amassed in all quarters of the globe, are we not impelled to exclaim that Judas' thirty pieces of silver have fructified across the centuries? (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
I like people to be saints; but I want them to be first and superlatively honest men (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
Death is the justification of all the ways of the Christian, the last end of all his sacrifices, the touch of the Great Master which completes the picture (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
We do not judge men by what they are in themselves, but by what they are relatively to us (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
America has begun her career at the culminating point of life, as Adam did at the age of thirty (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
We deceive ourselves when we fancy that only weakness needs support. Strength needs it far more. A straw or a feather sustains itself long in the air (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
God Himself allows certain faults; and often we say, I have deserved to err; I have deserved to be ignorant (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
Conscience is, at once, the sweetest and most troublesome of guests. It is the voice which demanded Abel of his brother, or that celestial harmony which vibrated in the ears of the martyrs, and soothed their sufferings (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)
The inventory of my faith for this lower world is soon made out. I believe in Him who made it (Anne Sophie Swetchine Quotes)