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Annual Quotes

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Happiness is a hardy annual  (Annual Quotes) Nowadays it would be reasonable to have an annual world championship  (Annual Quotes) Even in writing an annual report, the unconscious plays a role  (Annual Quotes) Ignore the annual percentage rate when shopping for a mortgage  (Annual Quotes) There’s no one else I’d rather spend this annual obligation with  (Annual Quotes) The annual cost of cybercrime to the global economy is more than $4 billion  (Annual Quotes) There is something incredibly nostalgic and significant about the annual cascade of autumn leaves  (Annual Quotes) Your annual review is happening sometime in the next few years  (Annual Quotes) With an annual investment of $66 billion by 2007, we can save 8 million lives each year  (Annual Quotes) You do something annual every year, don’t you?  (Annual Quotes) When annual elections end, there slavery begins  (Annual Quotes) Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!  (Annual Quotes) As a matter of principle, I never attend the first annual anything  (Annual Quotes) The annual output of carbon emissions is 25 billion tonnes and Global Cool’s goal is to reduce it by one billion tonnes a year.  (Annual Quotes) The West begins where the average annual rainfall drops below twenty inches. Water is important to people who do not have it, and the same is true of control.  (Annual Quotes) Even as global warming increases the frequency of El Nino and the Atlantic event, their effects are being amplified by the annual loss of an area of rain forest the size of New Jersey. Less rain falls, and the water runs into the rivers instead of being sucked up by the fungus filaments and tree roots.  (Annual Quotes) Cape Cod baseball dates back to the time of the Civil War. A poster at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown touts a round-trip train ride from Hyannis to Sandwich on July 4, 1885 - the occasion of the 14th annual baseball game between Sandwich and Barnstable.  (Annual Quotes) I will promote savings and investment by maintaining the 15% rate on capital gains and dividends. I will eliminate the tax entirely for those with annual income below $200,000.  (Annual Quotes) In a surprising unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court ruled the police cannot search what is on your phone without a warrant. Court observers said a unanimous decision from this court was slightly less likely than Scalia winning the annual Supreme Court wet robe contest  (Annual Quotes) Take charge of hidden, sneaky sources of chronic inflammation that can trigger illness and disease by wearing comfortable shoes daily, getting an annual flu vaccine, and asking your doctor why you’re not on a statin and baby aspirin if you’re over the age of forty.  (Annual Quotes) Why does Medicare have such difficulty accommodating a cut - no, wait, a trim to its annual spending increase - of two measly percentage points? Two words: baby boom.  (Annual Quotes) The mere idea of asking a family member if they intentionally stopped sending me an annual bonus makes me feel like breaking out in hives.  (Annual Quotes) If I had my way, I wouldn’t do annual reviews, if I felt that everybody would be more honest about positive and negative feedback along the way. I think the annual review process is so antiquated.  (Annual Quotes) The whole purpose of annual reviews is to keep you abreast of whether or not you are fulfilling the requirements of tenure.  (Annual Quotes) There are many forms of writing that are common, but also very formulaic, such as annual reports or economic studies. In those areas, people would probably be relieved not to have to write those kinds of things because they are mundane and drudgery.  (Annual Quotes) When I take a look at a company’s annual report, if I don’t understand it, they don’t want me to understand it.  (Annual Quotes) We unwittingly judge products by their boxes, books by their covers, and even corporation’s annual reports by their nice glossy finish.  (Annual Quotes) I love New York City in the fall, and one of my favorite events of the season is the annual World of Children Award Gala, at which I have the profound pleasure of meeting the newest class of changemakers for children who are there to receive their World of Children Award.  (Annual Quotes) For decades, activist shareholders were an entertaining, but largely ignored, Wall Street sideshow. Disgruntled investors would attend annual meetings to harangue executives, criticize strategies - and protest that their complaints were being ignored.  (Annual Quotes) Over the years, Good Deeds Day has annually gained greater popularity, spreading beyond geographical boundaries to include many more countries worldwide. International Good Deeds Day has become a global annual tradition of giving.  (Annual Quotes)
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