Another School Year Quotes
Text Quotes
Now, after the communist take-over in 1948, the amount of feature films produced dwindled to three a year, while the school was, you know, every year another three, four, five students. (Another School Year Quotes)
Art history became an A-level option at my school the year I started sixth form. This happened because another student and I cajoled and bullied the head of the art department into arranging it with the examination board. (Another School Year Quotes)
I was never on the side of the teachers at school. Even though I put all the work into getting the main role in the end-of-year musical when I was 11, they didn’t give it me, even though they knew I should have had it. That sort of drove me into am dram and getting the main part in another production. And I did. (Another School Year Quotes)
I had a few really bad years in school, just from not fitting in and being bullied. It was kind of brilliant being a military brat, though, because when you’re in that kind of situation, you just think, ‘I only have to hang on for another year, because then we’ll move. It’ll be fine if I can just get out of here.’ (Another School Year Quotes)