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In the mental calmness of a spiritual life, I have found that the answers to the whys in our lives are able to come to you. In my music I find the same thing  (Answers Quotes) It is reassuring for people to feel they have a boss, someone who knows the answers and has charted the course  (Answers Quotes) I just think the word interview, although it is the view between two people exchanged, became a sort of cliche. You ask questions and the other one answers  (Answers Quotes) It’s most presumptuous to believe we already know all the answers and will never get any more big surprises  (Answers Quotes) It’s not that conservatives don’t care. We do. We just have different answers than liberals do. It’s a difference of the mind, not of the heart  (Answers Quotes) I think about what I say. I don’t give stock answers. I’m not trying to cultivate an image with the public, like several of the top players do  (Answers Quotes) The press secretary who starts to narrow down or close the president’s options because he answers delicate negotiating questions no longer serves the president  (Answers Quotes) I do not have the answers and as a woman I do not intend to play my own thoughts over the truth. I can clearly state the problems and tell you that I suffer from them  (Answers Quotes) I know every actor says this, but the people behind the camera are great. They always have answers  (Answers Quotes) To play a good guy is nice because in a way, he is so open for answers  (Answers Quotes) I don’t think it’s the job of filmmakers to give anybody answers. I do think, though, that a good film makes you ask questions of yourself as you leave the theatre  (Answers Quotes) I like to write about things about which I have no answers, questions that trouble me. These things trouble me  (Answers Quotes) The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong questions  (Answers Quotes) Knowing lots of answers but being a millisecond slow on the buzzer is indeed very frustrating  (Answers Quotes) And what I wanted to do was, I wanted to explore problems and areas where we didn’t have answers. In fact, where we didn’t even know the right questions to ask  (Answers Quotes) We certainly don’t yet know all the answers. But the universe is about to be pried open  (Answers Quotes) When I was in school I liked math because all the problems had answers. Everything else seemed very subjective  (Answers Quotes) To gain knowledge, we must learn to ask the right questions; and to get answers, we must act, not wait for answers to occur to us  (Answers Quotes) We don’t know all the answers. If we knew all the answers we’d be bored, wouldn’t we? We keep looking, searching, trying to get more knowledge  (Answers Quotes) If you ask questions that interest you, you’ll get answers that interest your audience  (Answers Quotes) I don’t go to church regular. But I pray for answers to my problems  (Answers Quotes) You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions  (Answers Quotes) Conversely, beware the man who does nothing but ask you questions about yourself and offers no information about himself. Not only is he keeping you at bay, he is probably not listening to your answers  (Answers Quotes) Being religious means asking passionately the question of the meaning of our existence and being willing to receive answers, even if the answers hurt  (Answers Quotes) There’s still not as many women in music as men, and I don’t really know why. I don’t have the answers. I do wish there were more women that played music  (Answers Quotes) Science attempts to analyze how things and people and animals behave; it has no concern whether this behavior is good or bad, is purposeful or not. But religion is precisely the quest for such answers: whether an act is right or wrong, good or bad, and why  (Answers Quotes) What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers  (Answers Quotes) I already knew to eat clean and listen to my body, to only eat when I was in a calm mental state. Everyone knew. But when you’re fat in the head, it’s never about knowing the answers. It’s about living them  (Answers Quotes) Disease is the misery of our belief, happiness is the health of our wisdom, so that man’s happiness or misery depends on himself. Now, as our misery comes from our belief, and not from the thing believed, it is necessary to be on the watch, so as not to be deceived by false guides. Sensation contains no intelligence or belief, but is a mere disturbance of the matter, called agitation, which produces mind, and is ready to receive the seed of error. Ever since man was created, there has been an element called error which has been busy inventing answers for every sensation  (Answers Quotes) You are digging for the answers until your fingers bleed, to satisfy the hunger, to satiate the need... And as you pray in your darkness for wings to set you free, you are bound to your silent legacy  (Answers Quotes)
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