Answers Quotes

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We do not ask the right questions when we are young, so we miss the important answers. Now it is too late to ask, too late for the illuminating answers, and the unanswered questions haunt us for a lifetime. (Answers Quotes)
You do not need to justify asking questions. But if you think you have found answers, you do not have the right to remain silent. (Answers Quotes)
Feynman’s cryptic remark, no one is that much smarter ..., to me, implies something Feynman kept emphasizing: that the key to his achievements was not anything magical but the right attitude, the focus on nature’s reality, the focus on asking the right questions, the willingness to try (and to discard) unconventional answers, the sensitive ear for phoniness, self-deception, bombast, and conventional but unproven assumptions. (Answers Quotes)
I also think there’s too many players who say the same boring answers, they don’t even have to turn up to interviews because journalists answer their own questions the way they ask them. Unfortunately the way it is now players are so afraid to say anything, but I’d like them to be honest. (Answers Quotes)
When people hear that I’m a neuroscientist, they ask me tough questions. ‘Will grandpa learn to walk again after his stroke?’ ‘How can my son overcome his dyslexia?’ ‘What could have caused my best friend to become schizophrenic?’ When I can’t give satisfying answers, they look disappointed - and I feel embarrassed. (Answers Quotes)
There’s no use in asking what if. No one could ever give you the answers. (Answers Quotes)
Being an actor sometimes requires that you ask yourself questions you’d rather not know the answers to. (Answers Quotes)
I don’t think it’s the job of filmmakers to give anybody answers. I do think, though, that a good film makes you ask questions of yourself as you leave the theatre. (Answers Quotes)
But what’s regret anyway? Regret, I am learning these days, is a lot of things. But mostly, it’s a slippery seed of longing, of looking back and asking yourself why you didn’t know better when the answers were so obvious all along. (Answers Quotes)
Don’t assume that because everyone believes a thing, that it is right or wrong. Reason things out for yourself. Work to get answers on your own. Understand why you believe things. (Answers Quotes)
I think that when we know that we actually do live in uncertainty, then we ought to admit it; it is of great value to realize that we do not know the answers to different questions. This attitude of mind - this attitude of uncertainty - is vital to the scientist, and it is this attitude of mind which the student must first acquire. (Answers Quotes)
Math was always my bad subject. I couldn’t convince my teachers that many of my answers were meant ironically. (Answers Quotes)
Even in democratic society, we don’t have good answers how to balance the need for security on one hand and the protection of free speech on the other in our digital networks. (Answers Quotes)
I am very excited to be supporting one of the world’s most visionary efforts to seek basic answers to some of the fundamental question about our universe and what other civilisations may exist elsewhere. (Answers Quotes)
If one had to define one essential gift with which a dancer needs to be endowed, there might be a rush of answers. A beautiful body, grace of line, graciousness of spirit, joy in the work, ability to please, unswerving integrity, relentless ambition towards some abstract perfection. Certainly all these factors determine a dancer’s character, and every element exists in some combination within the performing artist’s presence. (Answers Quotes)
The answers to your problems lie all around you. The keys to your self-discovery are waiting to be found in each sunset, each pair of eyes, each breath of fresh air. Listen to the symphony of life and you will hear yourself. Find the beauty of nature and you have found your soul. (Answers Quotes)
Talk about beauty and you get boring answers, but talk about ugliness and things get interesting (Answers Quotes)
The answers we’re looking for are all within ourselves, we just need to become better connected, more present - to what we eat, to nature, to our surroundings and to our inner guide. (Answers Quotes)
The most challenging part of being a dad is trying to postpone the moment when they realize you don’t know anything. I love any sentence that begins with Daddy...? because it’s implied they’re looking up to you - that you’ll have the answer. The truth is, I don’t have any answers. (Answers Quotes)
No one wants perfection. I want a confident, smart guy, obviously, but what’s hot is a guy who doesn’t have all the answers. We gals like a guy we can help because, ultimately, we like being needed. (Answers Quotes)
Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don’t have all the answers to think that they do. (Answers Quotes)
Sometimes you have to choose between being strong and being honest, if you want real answers (Answers Quotes)
God is being taken out of schools; children are not being raised in church learning the word; many parents are living lives unto themselves, exalting substance rather than Jesus Christ, and those looking for answers are going to church and finding the word is not being preached. There are consequences to these decisions. (Answers Quotes)
Everyone seems to be searching and yearning for answers whatever they may be. And that ends up being some kind of spiritual or religious belief. (Answers Quotes)
Sometimes people look to others for answers they can find within themselves. I don’t really want the responsibility of being the guy they look to. (Answers Quotes)
Morality must relate, at some level, to the well-being of conscious creatures. If there are more and less effective ways for us to seek happiness and to avoid misery in this world - and there clearly are - then there are right and wrong answers to questions of morality. (Answers Quotes)
When you grumble about a taxi being dirty, people your own age will absolutely agree with you, whereas younger people say, ‘You should be so lucky to have a taxi - I walk to work!’ So I have lots of young friends, who fortunately don’t treat me as a guru, a person that knows all the answers. (Answers Quotes)
I don’t see myself being special; I just see myself having more responsibilities than the next man. People look to me to do things for them, to have answers. (Answers Quotes)
There’s nothing more narcissistic than being sure that you are built in the image of an all-powerful Creator-God, and that same God answers your prayers, knows your name, and has a personal relationship with you. (Answers Quotes)
Being vulnerable, in my opinion, is not a weakness. It’s being human. It is allowing yourself to not have all the answers. (Answers Quotes)