Anthony Liccione Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not sure what is worse, a closed mind or a closed book (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
The new dumb, is now wisdom (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Nothing like being in a dream, then waking up to a nightmare (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
If I was your mirror, you would look for me more, than you do me (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Words are dead, until action brings them life (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Sex swims in marriage, while sex sinks in sin of being single (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
A heart anchored in money will only drift away (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Paranoia is at most annoying! (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
The only walls that talk, are the white ones (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Teeth aren’t pearly, until you smile (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
The flesh covers the bones, and makes the spirit naked (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
It seems only easier when money is involved (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
As a king can wear a crown, a crown can also weary a king (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Sin is man’s, last attempt to perfection (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Life is as beautiful, as you want to see it (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
As dogs return to their vomit, some men return to their wives (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
There is always time to die, but never time to live (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Zero is the number people often feel, more so than one (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
To run in fear, or have fear run you, will both bring ruin (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
I wish I had more breaks in life, rather than life breaking me (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
The future is now! Don’t make that second pass you into regrets (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Some ride the bullet to vent, while some shoot the bullet to revenge (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Don’t bring an anchor, on a sinking boat (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Hit the bottom and get back up; or hit the bottle and stay down (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
They have their opinions, but we have the answers (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Again, we run out after love, until when love has run out again (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
The confident you speak it, the stronger the message (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Silence is key, in locks of loudness (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
As the world continually multiplies, are we in a generation where people are divided, or people are equal (Anthony Liccione Quotes)
Seek and listen for that silent sound of surety, in the stillness of peace succumbs your confidence (Anthony Liccione Quotes)