Anthony Trollope Quotes

Text Quotes
Ride at any fence hard enough, and the chances are you'll get over. The harder you ride the heavier the fall, if you get a fall; but the greater the chance of your getting over (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
But the school in which good training is most practiced will, as a rule, turn out the best scholars (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Late hours, nocturnal cigars, and midnight drinkings, pleasurable through they may be, consume too quickly the free flowing lamps of youth, and are fatal at once to the husbanded candle ends of age (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
He had never done any good, but he had always carried himself like a duke, and like a duke he carried himself to the end (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Some people fall to their feet like cats; but you are one of those who never fall at all. Others tumble about in the most unfortunate way, without any great fault of their own (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
They were always together, but I dare say it was platonic. I believe these kind of things generally are platonic (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Men will love to the last, but they love what is fresh and new. A woman's love can live on the recollection of the past, and cling to what is old and ugly (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
And, after a fashion, she herself believed what she was saying. Nevertheless, her nature was much nobler than his; and she know that no man should dare to live idly as the Duke had lived (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Fame is a skittish jade, more fickle even than Fortune, and apt to shy, and bolt, and plunge away on very trifling causes (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
An editor is bound to avoid the meshes of the law, which are always infinitely more costly to companies, or things, or institutions, than they are to individuals (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
No doubt he had acted in direct opposition to the spirit of the injunction, but legal orders are read by the letter, and not by the spirit (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Then Lady Chiltern argued the matter on views directly opposite to those which she had put forward when discussing the matter with her husband (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
I don't know about that. - a poet doesn't want to marry a poetess, nor a philosopher a philosopheress (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The double pleasure of pulling down an opponent, and of raising oneself, is the charm of a politician's life (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Men and not measures are, no doubt, the very life of politics. But then it is not the fashion to say so in public places (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
A man who is supposed to have caused a disturbance between two married people, in a certain rank of life, does generally receive a certain meed of admiration (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
We can generally read a man's purpose towards us in his manner, if his purposes are of much moment to us (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Do you mean to say that the morals of your party will be offended? Said Madame Goesler, almost laughing (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Upon the present occasion London was full of clergymen. The specially clerical clubs, the Oxford and Cambridge, the Old University, and the Athenaeum, were black with them (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
But as the clerical pretensions are more exacting than all others, being put forward with an assertion that no answer is possible without breach of duty and sin, so are they more galling (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Gentlemen lacking substantial sympathy with their leader found it to be comfortable to deceive themselves, and raise their hearts at the same time by the easy enthusiasm of noise (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The apostle of Christianity and the infidel can meet without a chance of a quarrel; but it is never safe to bring together two men who differ about a saint or a surplice (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
But the prospect of an explanation, or otherwise of a flight, between two leading politicians will fill the House; and any allusion to our Eastern Empire will certainly empty it (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The vehemence with which his insolence was abused by one after another of those who spoke later from the other side was ample evidence of its success (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Some few sublime and hot headed gentleman muttered the word impeachment. Others, who were more practical and less dignified, suggested that the Prime Minister ought to have his head punched (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
But mad people never die. That's a well - known fact. They've nothing to trouble them, and they live for ever (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Now a conjuror is I think a very pleasant fellow to have among us, if we know that he is a conjuror; - but a conjuror who is believed to do his tricks without sleight of hand is a dangerous man (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The secrets of the world are very marvellous, but they are not themselves half so wonderful as the way in which they become known to the world (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
To oblige a friend by inflicting an injury on his enemy is often more easy than to confer a benefit on the friend himself (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
When the little dog snarls, the big dog does not connect the snarl with himself, simply fancying that the little dog must be uncomfortable (Anthony Trollope Quotes)