Anthony Trollope Quotes

Text Quotes
It seems to me that if a man can so train himself that he may live honestly and die fearlessly, he has done about as much as is necessary (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
These leave-takings in novels are as disagreeable as they are in real life; not so sad, indeed, for they want the reality of sadness; but quite as perplexing, and generally less satisfactory (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Her happiness, like that of most of us, was ever in the future, never reached but always coming (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Throughout the world, the more wrong a man does, the more indignant is he at wrong done to him (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Marvelous is the power which can be exercised, almost unconsciously, over a company, or an individual, or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper, good digestion, good intellects, and good looks (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Dance with a girl three times, and if you like the light of her eye and the tone of voice with which she, breathless, answers your little questions about horseflesh and music about affairs masculine and feminine, then take the leap in the dark (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
There is no royal road to learning; no short cut to the acquirement of any art (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
He possessed the rare merit of making a property of his time and not a burden (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
To get away well is so very much! And to get away well is often so very difficult! (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The grace and beauty of life will be clean gone when we all become useful men (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Rights and rules, which are bonds of iron to a little man, are packthread to a giant (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
I am ready to obey as a child; :; but, not being a child, I think I ought to have a reason (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
An author must be nothing if he do not love truth; a barrister must be nothing if he do (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
I do not know whether there be, as a rule, more vocal expression of the sentiment of love between a man and a woman, than there is between two thrushes. They whistle and call to each other, guided by instinct rather than by reason (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Since woman’s rights have come up a young woman is better able to fight her own battle (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Love is like any other luxury. You have no right to it unless you can afford it (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
It is necessary to get a lot of men together, for the show of the thing, otherwise the world will not believe. That is the meaning of committees. But the real work must always be done by one or two men (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
It has been the great fault of our politicians that they have all wanted to do something (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The true picture of life as it is, if it could be adequately painted, would show men what they are, and how they might rise, not, indeed to perfection, but one step first, and then another on the ladder (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Such young men are often awkward, ungainly, and not yet formed in their gait; they straggle with their limbs, and are shy; words do not come to them with ease, when words are required, among any but their accustomed associates. Social meetings are periods of penance to them, and any appearance in public will unnerve them. They go much about alone, and blush when women speak to them. In truth, they are not as yet men, whatever the number may be of their years; and, as they are no longer boys, the world has found for them the ungraceful name of hobbledehoy (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Those who offend us are generally punished for the offence they give; but we so frequently miss the satisfaction of knowing that we are avenged! (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
A man will be generally very old and feeble before he forgets how much money he has in the funds (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
We cannot bring ourselves to believe it possible that a foreigner should in any respect be wiser than ourselves. If any such point out to us our follies, we at once claim those follies as the special evidence of our wisdom (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Money is neither God nor devil, that it should make one noble and another vile. It is an accident, and if honestly possessed, may pass from you to me, or from me to you, without a stain (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
What man thinks of changing himself so as to suit his wife? And yet men expect that women shall put on altogether new characters when they are married, and girls think that they can do so (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
It is admitted that a novel can hardly be made interesting or successful without love? It is necessary because the passion is one which interests or has interested all. Everyone feels it, has felt it, or expects to feel it (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
A novelist’s characters must be with him as he lies down to sleep, and as he wakes from his dreams. He must learn to hate them and to love them (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
Success is a poison that should only be taken late in life and then only in small doses (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
The best education is to be had at a price, as well as the best broadcloth (Anthony Trollope Quotes)
If we wish ourselves to be high, we should treat that which is over us as high (Anthony Trollope Quotes)