Anton Chekhov Quotes

Text Quotes
Probably nature itself gave man the ability to lie so that in difficult and tense moments he could protect his nest, just as do the vixen and wild duck (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
By nature servile, people attempt at first glance to find signs of good breeding in the appearance of those who occupy more exalted stations (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Once you’ve married, be strict but just with your wife, don’t allow her to forget herself, and when a misunderstanding arises, say: Don’t forget that I made you happy (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
I myself smoke, but my wife asked me to speak today on the harmfulness of tobacco, so what can I do? If it’s tobacco, then let it be tobacco (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Mankind has conceived history as a series of battles; hitherto it has considered fighting as the main thing in life (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Ordinary hypocrites pretend to be doves; political and literary hypocrites pretend to be eagles. But don’t be disconcerted by their aquiline appearance. They are not eagles, but rats or dogs (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Death is terrible, but still more terrible is the feeling that you might live for ever and never die (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
People love talking of their diseases, although they are the most uninteresting things in their lives (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
If you wish women to love you, be original; I know a man who used to wear felt boots summer and winter, and women fell in love with him (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
It is unfortunate that we try to solve the simplest questions cleverly, and therefore make them unusually complicated. We should seek a simple solution (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
To describe drunkenness for the colorful vocabulary is rather cynical. There is nothing easier than to capitalize on drunkards (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
I don’t know why one can’t chase two rabbits at the same time, even in the literal sense of those words. If you have the hounds, go ahead and pursue (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
You are right to demand that an artist engage his work consciously, but you confuse two different things: solving the problem and correctly posing the question (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
I don’t care for success. The ideas sitting in my head are annoyed by, and envious of, that which I’ve already written (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Neither I nor anyone else knows what a standard is. We all recognize a dishonorable act, but have no idea what honor is (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Everyone judges plays as if they were very easy to write. They don’t know that it is hard to write a good play, and twice as hard and tortuous to write a bad one (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
When performing an autopsy, even the most inveterate spiritualist would have to question where the soul is (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
In general, russia suffers from a frightening poverty in the sphere of facts and a frightening wealth of all types of arguments (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
I divide all literary works into two categories: Those I like and those I don’t like. No other criterion exists for me (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
One can only call that youth healthful which refuses to be reconciled to old ways and which, foolishly or shrewdly, combats the old. This is nature’s charge and all progress hinges upon it (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
I think that it would be less difficult to live eternally than to be deprived of sleep throughout life (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
All great sages are as despotic as generals, and as ungracious and indelicate as generals, because they are confident of their impunity (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Satiation, like any state of vitality, always contains a degree of impudence, and that impudence emerges first and foremost when the sated man instructs the hungry one (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
When we retreat to the country, we are hiding not from people, but from our pride, which, in the city and among people, operates unfairly and immoderately (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
The wealthy man is not he who has money, but he who has the means to live in the luxurious state of early spring (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
There is nothing more vapid than a philistine petty bourgeois existence with its farthings, victuals, vacuous conversations, and useless conventional virtue (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
The person who wants nothing, hopes for nothing, and fears nothing can never be an artist (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
When you live on cash, you understand the limits of the world around which you navigate each day. Credit leads into a desert with invisible boundaries (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Prudence and justice tell me that in electricity and steam there is more love for man than in chastity and abstinence from meat (Anton Chekhov Quotes)
Is it our job to judge? the gendarme, policemen and bureaucrats have been especially prepared by fate for that job. Our job is to write, and only to write (Anton Chekhov Quotes)