Anuj Quotes

Text Quotes
A man of limited desire will always have less or perhaps nothing to worry and sensibly no fear of losing anything or everything in life (Anuj Quotes)
Keep going is keep growing only if one keeps adding values in others’ lives through the path of his life’s journey (Anuj Quotes)
Achievers are Believers in Commitments and Dreams. But, the great achievers believe in their own and others’ good CHARACTER too (Anuj Quotes)
Luck is manufactured in the factory of GOD only. So no reason for believing only GOD and not LUCK (Anuj Quotes)
If a quote of two individuals looks identical or almost similar to make it difficult to know as who said it first to be Mr. Right, then it is perhaps sensible to give credit for the same to one who travels in life light by choice and not compulsions than other who is too eager to board on a success flight (Anuj Quotes)
The group of stupid people collectively treats or makes an intelligent amongst them look like duffer and a fool living in a big network of enlightened minds even starts behaving sensibly in life (Anuj Quotes)
A person who can look inside into his soul sees then with his vision one and all standing outside around in support to him that they are only as truthful and trustworthy to him as he to all others (Anuj Quotes)
The essence of true education in one’s life is to show the presence of mind, heart and soul to sense everything right (Anuj Quotes)
He who has got more than that is required to fulfill his basic need spends his resources, more often than not, on the people and the products that he does not actually need (Anuj Quotes)
Kindness is a steeling feeling that has a power of filling the gaps in relationships by stealing hearts (Anuj Quotes)
A person is only as fair to oneself as the people often hanging around him or her, here and there, truly care towards ones who are not personally or professionally related to them anywhere (Anuj Quotes)
The only technology that helps to create a plethora of business and employment opportunity while promoting the green environment, is serving good for the society and, therefore, the sustainability (Anuj Quotes)
A proactive person needs no pressure to perform and an ineffective person offloads his pressure onto others to deform the positive work culture of the system. So practically, a progressive organization knows that no pressure environment plays a pivotal role to increase the productivity or proficiency of its workforce (Anuj Quotes)
A true leader always feels that it’s truly wise to be considered a fool by those who are not actually nice, and actually not nice to be considered a wise by those who are truly fools (Anuj Quotes)
The wit, wisdom and insights of a different person are often unpalatable, weird and absurd to the senses of many ordinary people (Anuj Quotes)
To know the true nature of a person unknown, just see closely and correctly the character of known people who truly like him or her (Anuj Quotes)
A man of substance should trust very carefully an online networking friend whose shared images are not often palatable to his taste (Anuj Quotes)
The beautiful result often astonishes us when our mind becomes oblivious to the work done with our heart (Anuj Quotes)
A person who is inherently and intuitively curious is often intellectually and distinctly very serious towards his roles and responsibilities in life (Anuj Quotes)
All people may not always know those who are not actually good, but they sooner or later get to know all those who are always relatively good (Anuj Quotes)
The difference between a poet and a philosopher is that the poet sees logically and describes basically the beauty whereas the philosopher defines the basics and shows the beauty of logics (Anuj Quotes)
Readily people do not accept any ordinary to behave like an extraordinary unless and until some extraordinary but preferably wealthy approves him to be not ordinary (Anuj Quotes)
Beautiful is a person whose outside and inside world are in great concord, camaraderie and joint concert (Anuj Quotes)
The actual growth in a person’s life is the rise in his wisdom and not the raise in his pay or income (Anuj Quotes)
A person creating a space in his life for something that he doesn’t deserve at all gets readily someone whom he doesn’t desire in all. (Anuj Quotes)
People may like a person’s thought for its touching words, but they like him truly for his own deeds touching their heart. (Anuj Quotes)
Pray silently with simplicity every day to stay cool and calm in mind, composed and collected in heart; courageous and connected to own soul, to lay the way for a peaceful life. (Anuj Quotes)
A person is only as fair to oneself as the people often hanging around him or her, here and there, truly care towards ones who are not personally or professionally related to them anywhere. (Anuj Quotes)
The best way to judge the worth of a person’s wealth is to count the number of genuine people he has got in his network. (Anuj Quotes)
A person may use his fundamental right to communicate whatever he likes, but the people like his point as per their personal choice only and not necessarily that which is always fundamentally right. (Anuj Quotes)