Anuj Quotes

Text Quotes
A person can perhaps trust his eyes only to the amount of truth his heart does not mind to speak openly to the people to touch their souls in this selfish world full of lies. (Anuj Quotes)
A man of limited desire will always have less or perhaps nothing to worry and sensibly no fear of losing anything or everything in life. (Anuj Quotes)
The truth is that perhaps everything has a price, but certainly everyone has to pay more price only for their lies. (Anuj Quotes)
The essence of true education in one’s life is to show the presence of mind, heart and soul to sense everything right. (Anuj Quotes)
Effort is required to live life of others, but to live our own every action comes all and only natural. (Anuj Quotes)
A person who is inherently and intuitively curious is often intellectually and distinctly very serious towards his roles and responsibilities in life. (Anuj Quotes)
Effort is required to live life of others, but to live our own every action comes all and only natural (Anuj Quotes)
One can change the small minds, but it is tad difficult to do it with the small heart whose soul is in small mind only. (Anuj Quotes)
The only technology that helps to create a plethora of business and employment opportunity while promoting the green environment, is serving good for the society and, therefore, the sustainability. (Anuj Quotes)
A bright smile has the strongest electrifying power to lift up the sagging morale and light up a depressed face effortlessly and immediately. (Anuj Quotes)
Selfishness is the biggest form of helplessness as it makes the person blind so much that he fails to search his true self for being always in the lurch. (Anuj Quotes)
Beautiful is a person whose outside and inside world are in great concord, camaraderie and joint concert. (Anuj Quotes)
The beautiful result often astonishes us when our mind becomes oblivious to the work done with our heart. (Anuj Quotes)
A man who relentlessly perspires to be excellent evidently inspires many with his intelligence and elegance. (Anuj Quotes)
The actual growth in a person’s life is the rise in his wisdom and not the raise in his pay or income. (Anuj Quotes)
A man’s high success requires a key; but his happiness needs personality to be low-key (Anuj Quotes)
God Is Great. If these three words together enshrine in our mind, heart and soul, then there is never worry, anxiety nor a fear of failure in our life (Anuj Quotes)
A person’s words reflect the image of his character and the amount of truth and lies in it is always visible to the human heart than ordinary eyes (Anuj Quotes)
If a person finds the negative people in his network, then he needs to mind or mend his own nature than others for his basic grounding decides only the level of acidic or toxic surrounding for him (Anuj Quotes)
Anything that starts as a practice often turns into the habit and so can be the case with a person’s nature of forgiving himself on his mistakes a few number of times (Anuj Quotes)
Never treat somebody’s cleverness as his life’s smartness. Cleverness is to hide the weakness and the smartness is to project the strength of his weakness (Anuj Quotes)
There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t accept the truth of each other (Anuj Quotes)
A person can always live life of his own only if he is prepared to stand alone when there is none to support the things that he applauds, believes and cherishes in his soul (Anuj Quotes)
A person creating a space in his life for something that he doesn’t deserve at all gets readily someone whom he doesn’t desire in all (Anuj Quotes)
When a person finds life hard, he needs motivation and inspiration; but if he finds life’s journey easy, then he needs meditation and introspection to know the true quality of his life (Anuj Quotes)
A person can perhaps trust his eyes only to the amount of truth his heart does not mind to speak openly to the people to touch their souls in this selfish world full of lies (Anuj Quotes)
A negative and toxic person never feels teased with the genuine presence of the pretenders in his network and he always feels pleased with the absence of the genuine leader in his circle (Anuj Quotes)
When a person says only what others love to hear, he is largely liked; but if he loves to say what he likes only, then others hardly hear him (Anuj Quotes)
Some people advise you what to do and some people forbid what not to do, but the genuine people just ask you if they can do anything for you (Anuj Quotes)
People may like a person’s thought for its touching words, but they like him truly for his own deeds touching their heart (Anuj Quotes)