Anxiety Quotes

Text Quotes
Anxiety is an even better teacher than reality, for one can temporarily evade reality by avoiding the distasteful situation; but anxiety is a source of education always present because one carries it within (Anxiety Quotes)
Courage is the capacity to meet the anxiety which arises as one achieves freedom. It is the willingness to differentiate, to move from the protecting realms of parental dependence to new levels of freedom and integration (Anxiety Quotes)
A person can meet anxiety to the extent that his values are stronger than the threat (Anxiety Quotes)
The surest way to escape anxiety and defeat despair is action. Do, don’t dwell (Anxiety Quotes)
The anxiety we have for the figure we cut, for our personage, is constantly cropping out. We are showing off and are often more concerned with making a display than with living. Whoever feels observed observes himself (Anxiety Quotes)
Anxiety in human life is what squeaking and grinding are in machinery that is not oiled. In life, trust is the oil (Anxiety Quotes)
Concerning the factors of silence, solitude and darkness, we can only say that they are actually elements in the production of the infantile anxiety from which the majority of human beings have never become quite free (Anxiety Quotes)
When any anxiety or gloom of the mind takes hold of you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaining; but exert yourselves to hide it, and by endeavoring to hide it you drive it away (Anxiety Quotes)
Nothing in life is more remarkable than the unnecessary anxiety which we endure, and generally create ourselves (Anxiety Quotes)
People often can’t separate, or can’t understand, that to be funny is to be serious; it’s a way of pulling people in and not scaring them off. I think a lot of the funny stuff, underneath it, there’s a deep anxiety going on (Anxiety Quotes)
People are afraid, and when people are afraid, when their pie is shrinking, they look for somebody to hate. They look for somebody to blame. And a real leader speaks to anxiety and to fear and allays those fears, assuages anxiety (Anxiety Quotes)
Certainly we want to protect our children from new and painful experiences that are beyond their emotional comprehension and that intensify anxiety; and to a point we can prevent premature exposure to such experiences (Anxiety Quotes)
People tend to dwell more on negative things than on good things. So the mind then becomes obsessed with negative things, with judgments, guilt and anxiety produced by thoughts about the future and so on (Anxiety Quotes)
There’s a lot of talk about the positive aspects of love. We as a society downplay the danger, the anxiety, and the disappointment. We romanticize romance (Anxiety Quotes)
For, just as in the beginning it is formed by desire, so afterwards love is kept in existence only by painful anxiety (Anxiety Quotes)
My goal is to write every day. I say it is my ideal. I am careful not to pass judgment or create anxiety if I do not do it. No one lives up to his ideal (Anxiety Quotes)
To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one’s self... And to venture in the highest is precisely to be conscious of one’s self (Anxiety Quotes)
His biggest misgiving came from his concern about the loud crash that was bound to occur and would probably create, if not terror, at least anxiety behind all the doors. But that would have to be risked (Anxiety Quotes)
Few things hold the perception more thoroughly captive than anxiety about what we have got to say (Anxiety Quotes)
Throwing things horrified me. I suffered extreme, paralyzing anxiety when it came to anything remotely athletic. I wouldn’t even run to catch the school bus because I knew I’d trip and then get teased for a year (Anxiety Quotes)
Usually she ordered a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, as well as a brownie, propping up her sadness with chocolate and caffeine so that it became an anxiety (Anxiety Quotes)
Writing a book has about it some of the anxiety of telling a joke and having to wait several years to know whether or not it was funny (Anxiety Quotes)
Every day has its great grief or its small anxiety... One cloud is dispelled, another forms. There is hardly one day in a hundred of real joy and bright sunshine (Anxiety Quotes)
It was not in her nature, however, to increase her vexations by dwelling on them. She was confident of having performed her duty, and to fret over unavoidable evils, or augment them by anxiety, was not part of her disposition (Anxiety Quotes)
The price we have paid for expecting to be so much more than our ancestors is a perpetual anxiety that we are far from being all we might be (Anxiety Quotes)
Although I could never get used to the constant state of anxiety in which the guilty, the great, and the tenderhearted live, I felt I was doing my best in the way of mimicry (Anxiety Quotes)
Whenever you make a big decision in life, at least any decision where you have a viable alternative, there is an inevitable uneasy aftermath. Anxiety is merely a sign that you’re taking something seriously (Anxiety Quotes)
No man ever stood the lower in my estimation for having a patch in his clothes: yet I am sure that there is greater anxiety, commonly, to have fashionable, or at least clean and unpatched clothes, than to have a sound conscience (Anxiety Quotes)
Stunned and still not suffering. Swollen with care and anxiety and still not suffering. Useless, old and full of grief, but still not suffering (Anxiety Quotes)
Though it may feel otherwise, enjoying life is no more dangerous than apprehending it with continuous anxiety and gloom (Anxiety Quotes)