Anxiety Quotes

Text Quotes
Moving to New York City and doing what I do, social anxiety is a really ridiculous kind of curse to have. But I met people along the way who deal with it - performers as well - and they are learning to deal with it daily and deal with it in different ways. (Anxiety Quotes)
The wind of divine grace is always blowing. You just need to spread your sail. Whenever you do anything, do it with your whole heart concentrated on it. Think day and night, I am of the essence of that Supreme Being-Consciousness-Bliss. What fear and anxiety have I? (Anxiety Quotes)
My anxiety level of my own work and what I’m doing and focusing on my art and all of that stuff? That’s fundamental. (Anxiety Quotes)
If you are not highly educated, you will need to abandon your anxiety and fear of reading and doing research. (Anxiety Quotes)
The sources and research I use for my inspiration aren’t your typical sci-fi subjects, but it’s really driven by obsession and personal anxiety more than trying to take up the sword and do what’s right. (Anxiety Quotes)
The process of producing a project is one long string of delight and anxiety, but I think the real thrill of animation would have to be drawing the pictures. (Anxiety Quotes)
Globalization is stirring widespread economic anxiety, and middle class incomes have stagnated while a class of super-rich has emerged. (Anxiety Quotes)
I write because writing is something that I have to do. And it doesn’t matter whether people like it or not. When I write, I feel the pressure and anxiety that come with taking an empty piece of paper and trying to fill it with something from your own consciousness. (Anxiety Quotes)
During the periods in my marriage when I chose to stay home with my kids rather than work as an attorney, it caused me no end of anxiety. Despite the fact that I knew I was contributing to our family by caring for our children, I still felt that my worth was less because I wasn’t earning. (Anxiety Quotes)
You didn’t have to work to keep your fear up, your energy up, or your anxiety. It is all kind of built into the process. (Anxiety Quotes)
The responses that environmentalists evoke - fear, anxiety, numbness, despair - are not helpful, even if they are understandable. It should be fascinating, even enthralling, to be in the milieu of environmental change. (Anxiety Quotes)
Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation...tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads monstrously like a gray vegetation. (Anxiety Quotes)
Anxiety is not fear, exactly, because fear is focused on something right in front of you - a real and objective danger. (Anxiety Quotes)
There’s a real existential anxiety at having to exist not just in a generalised social framework, but a capitalist social framework. (Anxiety Quotes)
Like the experience of warfare, the endurance of grave or terminal illness involves long periods of tedium and anxiety, punctuated by briefer interludes of stark terror and pain. (Anxiety Quotes)
Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance. Tell yourself enough vivid stories about the worst possible outcome of your work and you’ll soon come to believe them. Worry is not preparation, and anxiety doesn’t make you better. (Anxiety Quotes)
I don’t know whether my life has been a success or a failure. But not having any anxiety about becoming one instead of the other, and just taking things as they come along, I’ve had a lot of extra time to enjoy life. (Anxiety Quotes)
Anticipation is anxiety. I have always had a very extreme anxiety thing. (Anxiety Quotes)
Comedy is defiance. It’s a snort of contempt in the face of fear and anxiety. And it’s the laughter that allows hope to creep back on the inhale. (Anxiety Quotes)
We are all dying and we all have some anxiety about it. And so people are more scared of dying than they are of drugs. If we can show that people who are facing death can be assisted with psychedelics that’s a powerful message. (Anxiety Quotes)
The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs. You can’t package stress, touch it, or see it. There are only people engaged in stressful thinking. (Anxiety Quotes)
I can understand the natural anxiety of readers when waiting for another installment of a favourite series, but I think it is much more important to get a book right than it is to have it appear on time. (Anxiety Quotes)
Amusement’ is appealing because we don’t have to think; it spares us the fear and anxiety that might otherwise prey on our thoughts. (Anxiety Quotes)
I’m just suggesting that when you’re faced with fear and anxiety, don’t medicate. Meditate instead. (Anxiety Quotes)
I made things a lot harder than they needed to be out of fear and anxiety (Anxiety Quotes)
Once the barrier is exposed, fear and anxiety reduces! Once the barrier is broken, movement progresses! I decree and I declare the exposure and breakage of both strong and tall barriers ahead of us! We are unstoppable; We are victorious! (Anxiety Quotes)
. . .from their earliest years children live on familiar terms with disrupting emotions, fear and anxiety are an intrinsic part of their everyday lives, they continually cope with frustrations as best they can. And it is through fantasy that children achieve catharsis. It is the best means they have for taming Wild Things. (Anxiety Quotes)
When you’re doing a network show in the States, you’re just a slave to the ratings. There’s so much money invested that there’s this pervasive atmosphere of fear and anxiety. Every morning after an episode of your show airs, everyone is fixated on the numbers to try and determine how the show did. (Anxiety Quotes)
I have this system. I torture my husband and everyone around me with my nerves and anxiety. Then, when I get on stage, the fear is gone. I’ve exhausted myself. It just dissipates. (Anxiety Quotes)
Anxiety is practising failure in advance. Anxiety is needless and imaginary. It’s fear about fear, fear that means nothing. (Anxiety Quotes)