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Any game where a man 60 can beat a man 30 ain't no game

Any game where a man 60 can beat a man 30 ain't no game Picture Quote #1

Any game where a man 60 can beat a man 30 ain't no game

Burt Shotton was a legendary baseball manager known for his wisdom and insight into the game. One of his most famous quotes was, “Any game where a man 60 can beat a man 30 ain't no game.” This statement speaks to the idea that experience and knowledge can often trump youth and physical ability in the world of sports.

Shotton's words are particularly relevant in the context of baseball, a sport that requires a deep understanding of strategy and technique. While younger players may have the advantage of speed and agility, older players like Shotton understand the nuances of the game that can make all the difference in a close match.
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