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Apart Quotes

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The minute I’m in a little pain ... your rough, tough, scary bad boy image totally falls apart.  (Apart Quotes) My parents had a certain resolve to them that I don’t see as so prevalent today. Through good times and bad, they were committed to one another. Their relationship wasn’t something to be constantly examined or picked apart.  (Apart Quotes) I was living in a small town in Indiana working as a telemarketer and a vacuum salesman. I was really bad: the vacuums seemed to always be falling apart. Every time I did a demonstration, I’d say, ‘This is the material the astronauts used on Apollo 13.’ And no sooner had that come out of my mouth, something would malfunction.  (Apart Quotes) I always prided myself on being apart from the ruling class. I think it’s always important, not just in Washington but in life, to be able to able to balance your sense of belonging with what it’s like to be someone who doesn’t belong.  (Apart Quotes) Music’s always been a big part of my life, but it kind of all happened in one big ball of storytelling rather than splitting acting and singing apart.  (Apart Quotes) I can completely take a second World War gun apart and put it back together again thanks to ‘Band Of Brothers.’ That’s always useful. I’ve got lots and lots of random skills I’ll probably never need again.  (Apart Quotes) At times, some journalists see nothing in the people apart from an opportunity to make material gain. They see them as consumers to whom we sell commodities at huge profits that keep our bank accounts growing.  (Apart Quotes) When you have true love in your heart,You will never be depressed or fall apart  (Apart Quotes) I think there’s a lot of things that need fixing at Manchester United apart from David Moyes, but in this business, you also realize the head coach is always going to be the first to go, unfortunately.  (Apart Quotes) As much as we love being sociable on holiday, part of me craves the idea of being away, staying in a hut on the beach, and maybe not seeing anyone for days apart from Jamie and the boys.  (Apart Quotes) What’s fascinating about D.C., the exteriors are these elaborate structures, this gorgeous architecture and beautiful stonework, and then you go inside and it’s crap-looking - apart from the White House, which is beautiful.  (Apart Quotes) We never surrendered. We always kept in our hearts the most noble, beautiful feeling that sets human beings apart: hope.  (Apart Quotes) People see you as an object, not as a person, and they project a set of expectations onto you. People who don’t have it think beauty is a blessing, but actually it sets you apart.  (Apart Quotes) Beauty in all things-no, we cannot hope for that; but some place set apart for it  (Apart Quotes) I don’t have goals when writing books, apart from getting to the end. I have rather vague ideas about how I want things to feel, I’m big on ambience. I have a title, a beginning and a probable ending and go from there.  (Apart Quotes) And the most important thing - apart from telling a good, believable story, and being a true character - is to be someone the audience will care about, even if you’re playing a murderer or rapist.  (Apart Quotes) Apart from being interested in a good role, I think it’s necessary to make up your mind as to whether it will make a movie that will entertain an audience all over the world and not just in your own backyard.  (Apart Quotes) If you go from a structure where you have the support and that partner and that construction of a family and that’s broken apart, I think that’s probably a lot harder than always being a single mom and having the father being a support in another area.  (Apart Quotes) I would say that, apart from being a writer, I have also always been very conscious of the idea of a ‘world elsewhere’.  (Apart Quotes) Apart from the fact that your physical ability starts to decline, I also think someone in their fifties being childlike becomes a little sad. You’ve got to be careful.  (Apart Quotes) It’s easy for me to go back to being a kid. You know how kids can be like savages before they get civilized? There’s that sadist quality. Y’know, like boys who like to pick apart an insect for the sake of it.  (Apart Quotes) Crime writers adore islands. We love the sense of being trapped within a community apart, where normal codes of behavior, if not ignored, can be allowed to slip.  (Apart Quotes) Spirituality is more about whether or not we can sleep at night than about whether or not we go to church. It is about being integrated or falling apart, about being within community or being lonely, about being in harmony with Mother Earth or being alienated from her.  (Apart Quotes) I’m mad about being old and I’m mad about being American. Apart from that, OK.  (Apart Quotes) I don’t think I’ve had to change anything, really, apart from being more serious and focussed on my drive. One thing I’ve realised is that you get out what you put in and because of that my work rate has increased ten fold.  (Apart Quotes) I’m an amateur photographer, apart from being a professional one, and I think maybe my amateur pictures are the better ones.  (Apart Quotes) The proper focus of holiness is not on being set apart from something (i.e., the world), but on being set apart for something.  (Apart Quotes) There’s a real danger in trying to stay king of the mountain. You stop taking risks, you stop being as creative, because you’re trying to maintain a position. Apart from anything else that really takes the fun out of it.  (Apart Quotes) I don’t mean this, but I’m going to say it anyway. I don’t really think of pop art and serious art as being that far apart.  (Apart Quotes) Seriously, I don’t think there’s any right way to do anything apart from if you’re just being you; then it’s a sincere situation.  (Apart Quotes)
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