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Text Quotes
My story is the story of countless millions of children whose families and nations were torn apart for money in the name of Jesus Christ. (Apart Quotes)
I’m very proud that our country still produces people like my son, who choose the path less traveled; that knowingly step up to serve, even though our country is tearing itself apart with things like political machinations. (Apart Quotes)
I do not believe one can experience conversion or the fullness of the Christian life apart from the church. (Apart Quotes)
Satan always hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in. He attaches far more importance to godly intercourse than we do. Since union is strength, he does his best to promote separation. (Apart Quotes)
I want to see Christian fiction speak to the hard and real issues that tear people’s lives apart. (Apart Quotes)
I’ve not really had a bad Christmas. Apart from serious things, like when my father died. He rather spoiled the party and I’ve never forgiven him for falling off the twig on Christmas Day. (Apart Quotes)
If you can explain what is happening in a church, apart from the sovereign act of God, it is not revival. (Apart Quotes)
I’d been in Sacramento a day and already noticed the pervasiveness of its homeless problem. The city seemed like California without the masks or pretense: a place where dreams were occasionally made but mostly torn apart. (Apart Quotes)
My house is very clean apart from a very small part of it that looks as if we’ve been burgled, which is my office. (Apart Quotes)
There are members - very, very close and dear members - of my family - I’m talking immediate family - who simply don’t speak to me anymore and haven’t done so for years. My marriage fell apart. (Apart Quotes)
Because forgiveness is like this: a room can be dank because you have closed the windows, you’ve closed the curtains. But the sun is shining outside, and the air is fresh outside. In order to get that fresh air, you have to get up and open the window and draw the curtains apart. (Apart Quotes)
I don’t have any writing routine. Sometimes I go to my local coffee shop and I write there for some hours. Apart from that, I am traveling most of the time. I write in airports, trains, hotel rooms... I can write anywhere. (Apart Quotes)
Every single day the world seems like it is on the brink of falling apart. But then I look outside my window, and things look about the same as they did a week ago. It’s almost a form of cognitive dissonance. (Apart Quotes)
Down to my last dime and coming apart at the seams. I’m messed up in Mexico, living on refried dreams. (Apart Quotes)
Apart from boosting our long-term economic strength like other Asian economic powers, Philippine companies expanding overseas and going beyond our comfort zones, or going to some uncharted territories, will help sharpen our management skills. (Apart Quotes)
My family lives all around me. We see each other daily. It’s very, very complicated. I think that families hold us together and they split us apart. (Apart Quotes)
My original interest in the Nazi holocaust was personal. Both my father and mother were survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps. Apart from my parents, every family member on both sides was exterminated by the Nazis. (Apart Quotes)
The Bible does not isolate war, as if it were something separate and unique and quite apart, as we tend to do in our thinking. It is but one of the manifestations of sin, one of the consequences of sin. (Apart Quotes)
Shallowness and ignorance have been our lot in the mass consumer societies we inhabit, where we were too distracted to act politically, apart from periodically deputing political elites to take life-and-death decisions on our behalf. (Apart Quotes)
Turkey and Brazil, though half a world apart geographically, have much in common. Both are large countries that spent long years under military dominance, but have broken with that history and made decisive steps towards full democracy. (Apart Quotes)
You want to feel that you can do something creative that you love without being picked apart and mutilated for other people’s pleasure. (Apart Quotes)
The first entry into modeling doesn’t build your confidence. They pull out the tape measure and pick you apart. I’m a curvy woman, so I was definitely told I was ‘too curvy.’ (Apart Quotes)
Intuit’s mission, values, and culture of innovation set us apart as a great place to work. Our 8,000 employees are innovators and entrepreneurs that are inspired by the important work they do that is delighting customers and improving the financial lives of millions of people. (Apart Quotes)
I think most people, no matter what their situation, manage to find joy and comfort in their daily lives. I also think things fall apart. (Apart Quotes)
Sexy is attitude, but fitness for me is my dance. I dance two hours nearly every day. You break into good sweat, and it doesn’t even feel like exercise. Apart from that, I enjoy Pilates. (Apart Quotes)
I could tell you of occasionally, every eon, meeting a person, with whom I might stay for a billion years. But what of it? After a billion years there is nothing left to say, and you wander apart, uncaring in the end. (Apart Quotes)
Hope, in general, is dangerous. Hope can be the loose thread that pulls apart your sanity. (Apart Quotes)
Towards the end of ‘Dark Shadows,’ the sets are cracking and bleeding, but so is Angelique. The fact that she breaks apart physically as well as mentally lends an added dimension, and I just loved playing that. (Apart Quotes)
Once our country is fully engulfed in a debt crisis, our economy will be torn apart, and every American will be a victim of the federal government’s failure to prevent this disaster. (Apart Quotes)
I realized little by little that words are very powerful, and taking those words to encourage people rather than tear them apart was the desire of my heart. (Apart Quotes)