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If you’re wearing smoky eye makeup, a little beige or gold pencil on the inner eye corners will open up the area, but you only want to do it if the shadow is really dark. Otherwise, light pencil makes your eyes look too far apart, like a fish.  (Apart Quotes) The reviewers tear me apart. I bleed. I’m a favorite target. They go along for six months looking at movies, praying for rain, and then a new Sandra Dee movie comes out, and their eyes open, and they lick their lips. Before they’ve ever seen it.  (Apart Quotes) Jesus praised faith and trust ” even more than love. It takes a foundational trust to fall, or to fail, and not to fall apart.  (Apart Quotes) Trust in God’s timing. It’s better to have to wait a while and have things fall into place then to rush into something and have things fall apart.  (Apart Quotes) I started writing ‘Leaves Of Grass’ when my professional life was falling apart somewhat. I just had a movie implode in pre-production. And so I came back licking my wounds to New York, where I live, and started to write a script about a protagonist for whom the exact same thing happened: His life was falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) Yes, my works... are enshrined in museums, but I don’t care if the pieces fall apart in 20 years.  (Apart Quotes) I am falling apart. My hand is falling apart. I can’t shake hands. I had arthritis, and I had an operation for it.  (Apart Quotes) Just because your world is falling apart doesn’t mean you have to fall apart. When everything seems crazy, you be calm. Don’t let the outer chaos you are facing get inside of you.  (Apart Quotes) That’s what alcoholics do. It’s in their job description: fall apart and then keep falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) It’s crazy that in a country where schools are falling apart, we’re spending $20 billion on nuclear weapons.  (Apart Quotes) I’ve either got an acute case of hypochondria or I’m falling apart at the age of twenty-three.  (Apart Quotes) We have spent, right now, $6 trillion in the Middle East, and America is falling apart. It’s not right.  (Apart Quotes) They rise in the morning, and they sleep in the dark. And even though nobody’s looking, she’s falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) We got a new song called ‘Ashes in Your Mouth,’ and it is NOT about a joint falling apart  (Apart Quotes) Nobody is strong 100 percent of the time, or falling apart 100 percent of the time; sometimes you’re doing both at once.  (Apart Quotes) I am tired of spending a little bit of money in a lot of pieces because they keep on falling apart  (Apart Quotes) We are seeing it. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it’s falling apart because of single moms.  (Apart Quotes) California is like the hot blond high school chick who’s been getting by on her looks, but now she’s 45 and falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) I suspect that young adults crave stories of broken futures because they themselves are uneasily aware that their world is falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) Don’t be concerned that things appear to be falling apart: this has to happen in order for something new and wonderful to emerge.  (Apart Quotes) The world as we know it is falling apart at the seams, because it’s an inadequate container for the truth of who we are.  (Apart Quotes) I’m falling apart, one part after another. Falling down on the world like snow. Half of me is already on the ground, watching from below.  (Apart Quotes) The road system that we’ve come to depend on, the road system that we built our wealth on and our power on, is falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) Once upon a time I was falling in love but now I’m only falling apart. There’s nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart  (Apart Quotes) So many of us invest a fortune making ourselves look good to the world, yet inside we are falling apart. It’s time to invest on the inside.  (Apart Quotes) My eyes are a little blood shot from crying, and my hair’s messy. But other than that I don’t look like someone who’s world is falling apart.  (Apart Quotes) Talking to each other instead of talking about each other is not some kind of nicey-nice (ph) idea. It’s the difference between societies falling apart and societies getting something wonderful done.  (Apart Quotes) I don’t think our family is falling apart and getting destroyed. I just think it’s rearranging itself in the way God meant it to be because it wasn’t working how it was.  (Apart Quotes) As they stood there, the world falling apart around them, Grigor had a feeling of dread settle over his heart; but despite that, he was glad that he was with Olivia once again.  (Apart Quotes) There’s people that get a chance to do the kind of work that changes the world, and make things really different. And there’s the kind that just keeps the world from falling apart.  (Apart Quotes)
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