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Apartheid Quotes

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It may be that apartheid brings such stupendous economic advantages to countries that they would sooner have apartheid than permit its destruction  (Apartheid Quotes) I didn’t actually realise what apartheid meant. I’m probably a bit naive, but I thought it was more of a vague segregation, like on the beaches and buses  (Apartheid Quotes) Battling racism and battling heterosexism and battling apartheid share the same urgency inside me as battling cancer  (Apartheid Quotes) In my country of South Africa, we struggled for years against the evil system of apartheid that divided human beings, children of the same God, by racial classification and then denied many of them fundamental human rights  (Apartheid Quotes) The minute you got the Nobel Peace Prize, things that I said yesterday, with nobody paying too much attention, I say the same things after I got it - oh! It was quite crucial for people, and it helped our morale because apartheid did look invincible  (Apartheid Quotes)
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