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Apartment Quotes

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The only person who listens to both sides of an argument is the fellow in the next apartment  (Apartment Quotes) I live in an apartment building built in 1925, and it hasn’t been heavily renovated, so I feel very much connected to that time and what went on in that place  (Apartment Quotes) The pickings are pretty slim when you have to play the part of a housewife who doesn’t go out of her apartment because she’s afraid she’s going to get mugged, or a woman who turns into her brother, who is a murderer  (Apartment Quotes) I was about to move out of my apartment because I was so broke. I’d sort of made a pact with myself that I wouldn’t take a job unless it was interesting to me, and I became broke very fast  (Apartment Quotes) I hate living in a really small apartment, living in a shoebox, not being able to play the drums, not having space. It sucks  (Apartment Quotes) I lived with my mom in a really small apartment. My bedroom was like in the living room. That’s why I still love to sleep on couches now  (Apartment Quotes) My grandmothers apartment had significance for me, even as a child, and I was fascinated by that world that was disappearing  (Apartment Quotes) I’ve always really enjoyed sharing my work with others. I find it really hard if I don’t think the work will exist outside of my own apartment  (Apartment Quotes) I find myself for whatever reason unable to live in the apartment I renovate and have to sell  (Apartment Quotes) I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don’t want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment  (Apartment Quotes) Should not every apartment in which man dwells be lofty enough to create some obscurity overhead, where flickering shadows may play at evening about the rafters?  (Apartment Quotes) The world I describe is about how people live now. It’s not about zany people with unlimited, inexplicable funds in an apartment somewhere  (Apartment Quotes) I don’t even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in  (Apartment Quotes) I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were coming or I’d have cleaned up a little more. My life, I mean, not just the apartment  (Apartment Quotes) Fact: upon locking yourself our of your apartment you will immediately need to use the bathroom. Fact: and then you will stand in place and watch your door. You will just stare. As though rebuffed by it. As though it has done this to you  (Apartment Quotes) Travelling to past lives is like making a hole in the floor and letting the flames of the fire in the apartment below scorch and burn the present  (Apartment Quotes) The fresh smell of coffee soon wafted through the apartment, the smell that separates night from day  (Apartment Quotes) It is an inconvenience, being located in a city where taxes are ludicrously high, where you pay twice your annual income to rent an apartment that could easily be carried on a commercial airline flight  (Apartment Quotes) I was very depressed when I was 19... I would go back to my apartment every day and I would just sit there. It was quiet and it was lonely. It was still. It was just my piano and myself. I had a television and I would leave it on all the time just to feel like somebody was hanging out with me  (Apartment Quotes) The animal merely makes a bed, which he warms with his body in a sheltered place; but man, having discovered fire, boxes up some air in a spacious apartment, and warms that, instead of robbing himself, makes that his bed, in which he can move about divested of more cumbrous clothing, maintain a kind of summer in the midst of winter, and by means of windows even admit the light and with a lamp lengthen out the day  (Apartment Quotes) Abby: I could be a slave to your darkest desires. I can do things. Anything you want. Tommy: Well, that’s terrific, because we have a lot of laundry piled up and the apartment is a wreck. Abby: Anything you desire, my lord. I can do laundry, clean, bring you small creatures to quench your thirst until I am worthy  (Apartment Quotes) Someone skipped on the rent and they left behind a huge upright piano, which got moved into our apartment so the other apartment could get rented out. I took to it and started playing  (Apartment Quotes) The best thing about being a cartoonist is to walk into a bar or someone’s apartment and they don’t know you, but they’ve taped one of your pieces up  (Apartment Quotes) I lived in the studio apartment that I bought for four years before I bought it in 1989, so I was already in it. I began living there in 1985, so I’ve had the same address and phone number since then  (Apartment Quotes) He had one uniform practice, and a very bad one it was, during the time of family worship, and just three or four seconds before the conclusion of the prayer, he started to his feet, and ran barking round the apartment like a crazed beast  (Apartment Quotes) If finding an apartment is like falling in love, buying one is like proposing on your first date and agreeing not to see each other until the wedding  (Apartment Quotes) I started working when I was seven, and ever since then I’ve been saving for an apartment. Even before that I had a little jam jar designated for my apartment money  (Apartment Quotes) I want to win as much as anybody. But what am I supposed to do? Go cry in my apartment for the next two weeks?  (Apartment Quotes) I’m in a loft and the kitchen is in the very center of the apartment. The whole place revolves around it  (Apartment Quotes) Music will always be there. I own a piano. I have it in my apartment. I play it every day, and I have a lot of musician friends who I play with  (Apartment Quotes)
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