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Ape Quotes

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Man is still an ape in that he forgets what is not ever before his eyes  (Ape Quotes) If ‘Star Wars’ wasn’t enough to prepare me for a dark future, there was the ‘Planet of the Apes’ franchise, conveniently repeated for me in Los Angeles on KABC’s Channel Seven 3:30 movie. Apes enslaving humans! Mutants with boils and an atom bomb! Ape riots in Century City! They killed baby Caesar’s parents!  (Ape Quotes) Beauty for some provides escape, who gain a happiness in eyeing the gorgeous buttocks of the ape or Autumn sunsets exquisitely dying  (Ape Quotes) Beauty, thou wild fantastic ape Who dost in every country change thy shape!  (Ape Quotes) A mind is a terrible thing. All this evolution nonsense is making me feel like a complete APE!  (Ape Quotes) You know, you just know, that after the president goes out there and announces he wants to make community college free for all Americans - as though anything government does is ‘free’ - or is unilaterally and unconstitutionally legalizing millions of undocumented immigrants, he comes back to the offices, pulls out the presidential BlackBerry, and gleefully follows along as the Right goes completely ape over these wild policy decisions.  (Ape Quotes) Telling me to relax or smile when I’m angry is like bringing a birthday cake into an ape sanctuary. You’re just asking to get your nose and genitals bitten off.  (Ape Quotes) Today’s children are taught by our culture that we are a cosmic accident. Something slithered out of the primal slime and over billions of years evolved into a human being. We are cousins, ten times removed, to the ape at the zoo eating his own excrement.  (Ape Quotes) When I first was offered the role on Rise [of the Planet of the Apes], I always played Caesar as a human being within ape skin.  (Ape Quotes) Really hairy backs on men turn me off. I’m not into the ape thing at all. Or beer bellies and flabby arms, either. Also, one random nose hair which is longer than the others... that’s gross.  (Ape Quotes) It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man  (Ape Quotes) We are a unique ape. We have language. Other animals have systems of communication that fall far short of that. They don’t have the same ability to communicate complicated conditionals and what-ifs and talk about things that are not present  (Ape Quotes) It is not important at all that we were all once an ape! The important thing is that how very much we evolved and how far we got away from the apes!  (Ape Quotes) The country is provincial; it becomes ridiculous when it tries to ape Paris  (Ape Quotes) The most perfect ape cannot draw an ape; only man can do that; but, likewise, only man regards the ability to do this as a sign of superiority  (Ape Quotes) But at this phase of my life, I want to write and not have to think about whether a song is going to be a hit. I want to explore the music that inspires me, and I don’t want to ape myself  (Ape Quotes) So they, who climb to wealth, forget The friends in darker fortunes tried. I copied them--but I regret That I should ape the ways of pride.  (Ape Quotes) A book is a mirror: if an ape looks into it an apostle is hardly likely to look out  (Ape Quotes) Nevertheless, it is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man  (Ape Quotes) You can do something that walks a line, and invariably, whatever that line is, it will be crossed by people who don’t know any better and want to ape the success  (Ape Quotes) Being abroad makes you conscious of the whole imitative side of human behavior. The ape in man  (Ape Quotes) Machines, he said, are an effect of art, which is nature's ape, and they reproduce not its forms but the operation itself  (Ape Quotes) The irrational in the human has something about it altogether repulsive and terrible, as we see in the maniac, the miser, the drunkard or the ape  (Ape Quotes) It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a petrol dump  (Ape Quotes) Man, proud man, dress'd in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he's most assur'd - his glassy essence - like an angry ape plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as makes the angels weep  (Ape Quotes) O, but man, proud man! Drest in a little brief authority; most ignorant of what he's most assur'd, his glassy essence, like an angry ape, plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, as make the angels weep  (Ape Quotes) This is he that kiss'd away his hand in courtesy; this is the ape of form, monsieur the nice, that when he plays at tables, chides the dice in honorable terms; nay, he can sing a mean most meanly; and in ushering, mend him who can; the ladies call him, sweet; the stairs, as he treads on them, kiss his feet  (Ape Quotes) On corsets: I said, You have got to be kidding. I am an ape and yet I am still expected to squeeze myself into one of those damn things  (Ape Quotes) At twenty a man is a peacock, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a serpent, at sixty a dog, at seventy an ape, at eighty a nothing at all  (Ape Quotes) A mere ape in our world may be a scholar in it's own, and the low life of any beast may be a source of deep satisfaction for the beast itself  (Ape Quotes)
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