Apollo 11 Quotes

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I want manned spaceflight, not just back to the Moon, but beyond that. And I want my daughters and my son to have their own July 20, 1969, to remember. Apollo 11 didn’t give us wings; it only showed us how far the wings we had would take us (Apollo 11 Quotes)
To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, the three astronauts from Apollo 11 visited the White House. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were allowed to set foot inside the White House, while Michael Collins was forced to drive around in circles outside (Apollo 11 Quotes)
We would like to give special thanks to all those Americans who built the spacecraft; who did the construction, design, the tests, and put their hearts and all their abilities into those craft. To those people tonight, we give a special thank you, and to all the other people that are listening and watching tonight, God bless you. Good night from Apollo 11 (Apollo 11 Quotes)
The day Apollo 11 landed, I knew men would walk on Mars in my lifetime. I’m no longer nearly so sure. The last budget put forward in Canada contained not a penny for Mars (Apollo 11 Quotes)
Apollo 11 will probably go down in history as one of the major responses of two nations facing each other with threatening technologies - sometimes called mutually assured destruction. It was also the America’s response to the apparent superiority of the Russians in putting objects into space before USA could (Apollo 11 Quotes)
Time flies when you’re having fun, and I’ve been having fun for the last thirty years. Reflecting on the upcoming 30th anniversary of Apollo 11. (Apollo 11 Quotes)
A typical smart phone has more computing power than Apollo 11 when it landed a man on the moon (Apollo 11 Quotes)
To Armstrong, constantly speaking about ‘Apollo 11’ only diminished the magic. That’s why he worked overtime to avoid notice, living a quiet life in Indian Hill, Ohio. (Apollo 11 Quotes)
I was only 8 years old on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong, 38-year-old commander of ‘Apollo 11,’ descended the cramped lunar module Eagle’s ladder with hefty backpack and bulky spacesuit to become the first human on the moon. (Apollo 11 Quotes)
I was born too late to experience Apollo 11, though I do trek to Dad’s house every time there’s some space event. There’s something awesome about crossing your fingers and watching a tense Mission Control room do their thing. (Apollo 11 Quotes)
I have no intention of selling any more of the historical Apollo 11 items in my possession for the remainder of my life. I intend to pass a portion of these items on to my children and to loan the most important items for permanent display in suitable museums around the country. (Apollo 11 Quotes)
Millions of people were inspired by the Apollo Program. I was five years old when I watched Apollo 11 unfold on television, and without any doubt it was a big contributor to my passions for science, engineering, and exploration (Apollo 11 Quotes)
My iPhone has 2 million times the storage of the 1969 Apollo 11 computer. They went to the moon. I throw birds at pig houses (Apollo 11 Quotes)