Appearance Quotes

Text Quotes
She had in mind a different kind of looking person, because his appearance is not at all like mine (Appearance Quotes)
When you are obliged to make a statement that you know will cause displeasure, you must say it with every appearance of sincerity; this is the only way to make it palatable (Appearance Quotes)
The elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short term gains over lasting achievement displays a poverty of ambition. It distracts you from what’s truly important (Appearance Quotes)
If you don’t know what to do, call the media and at least give the appearance of doing something (Appearance Quotes)
My appearance still made people laugh, with that hearty jovial laugh so good for the health (Appearance Quotes)
Dissimulation in youth is the forerunner of perfidy in old age; its first appearance is the fatal omen of growing depravity and future shame (Appearance Quotes)
Little did the artist know, who neglected his appearance in favor of his work, that the years would produce a breed that spent hours meticulously acquiring a neglected look to appear like an artist (Appearance Quotes)
We meet people every day whose bodies are evidently those of men and women long dead, but whose appearance we know through their portraits (Appearance Quotes)
By nature servile, people attempt at first glance to find signs of good breeding in the appearance of those who occupy more exalted stations (Appearance Quotes)
Only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world (Appearance Quotes)
Enlightenment is the inner light of wisdom that is permanently free from all mistaken appearance, and whose function is to bestow mental peace upon each and every living being every day (Appearance Quotes)
Jesus makes large claims for his heavenly father but never mentions that his mother is or was a virgin, and is repeatedly very rude and coarse to her when she makes an appearance (Appearance Quotes)
The non permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of summer and winter seasons (Appearance Quotes)
Politeness does not always inspire goodness, equity, complaisance, and gratitude; it gives at least the appearance of these qualities, and makes man appear outwardly, as he should be within (Appearance Quotes)
Where ambition can be so happy as to cover its enterprises even to the person himself, under the appearance of principle, it is the most incurable and inflexible of all human passions (Appearance Quotes)
A contemplative life has more the appearance of a life of piety than any other; but it is the divine plan to bring faith into activity and exercise (Appearance Quotes)
Even legal punishments lose all appearance of justice, when too strictly inflicted on men compelled by the last extremity of distress to incur them (Appearance Quotes)
In appearance, at least, he being on all occasions glad to be at friendship with me, though we hate one another, and know it on both sides (Appearance Quotes)
How different is the ready hand, tearful eye, and soothing voice, from the ostentatious appearance which is called pity (Appearance Quotes)
A beautiful envelope for mortality, presenting a glittering and polished exterior, the appearance of which gives no certain indication of the real value of what is contained therein (Appearance Quotes)
As that gallant can best affect a pretended passion for one woman who has no true love for another, so he that has no real esteem for any of the virtues can best assume the appearance of them all (Appearance Quotes)
Hypocrisy is folly. It is much easier, safer, and pleasanter to be the thing which a man aims to appear, than to keep up the appearance of being what he is not (Appearance Quotes)
In justice to myself I ought to say that my true appearance is somewhat more attractive than this, but unfortunately I can appear to man only as he imagines me to be (Appearance Quotes)
Two people pass each other. As one looks upon the other’s skin color, the other is looking back at their appearance. Both justifying, how better and righteous they are, in their own insecurities (Appearance Quotes)
The waitress had the appearance of a very old hooker who had finally found her place in life (Appearance Quotes)
People like rules, or at least the appearance of rules, even in fantasy (Appearance Quotes)
Organized religion and musicals present tenets to live by that don’t entirely make sense but, on the whole, make people who believe them secure, thus giving an appearance of inclusiveness (Appearance Quotes)
I’m not really that bothered by appearance. I know a few players who go off doing stuff in the mirror ages before they go out to play a game, but I’m not really interested in that (Appearance Quotes)
Perseverance can lend the appearance of dignity and grandeur to many actions, just as silence in company affords wisdom and apparent intelligence to a stupid person (Appearance Quotes)
Words have weight, sound and appearance; it is only by considering these that you can write a sentence that is good to look at and good to listen to (Appearance Quotes)