Appease Quotes
Text Quotes
Oh, screw beautiful. I’m brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain (Appease Quotes)
We adore, we invoke, we seek to appease, only that which we fear (Appease Quotes)
Love isn’t about changing your personality to appease your partner’s insecurities (Appease Quotes)
Music revives the recollections it would appease (Appease Quotes)
I’m not going to change my ways just to please you, or appease you (Appease Quotes)
Laws which prescribe what everyone must believe, and forbid men to say or write anything against this or that opinion, are often passed to gratify, or rather to appease the anger of those who cannot abide independent minds (Appease Quotes)
The Gospel declares that our guilt has been atoned for, the law has been fulfilled. So we don’t need to live under the burden of trying to appease the judgment we feel. (Appease Quotes)
A poor man defended himself when charged with stealing food to appease the cravings of hunger, saying, the cries of the stomach silenced those of the conscience. (Appease Quotes)
It is a sad day for our country when the moral foundation of our law and the acknowledgment of God has to be hidden from public view to appease a federal judge. (Appease Quotes)
You’ve got to seduce the brain throughout a King Weekend, appease it, and occasionally confound it. The brain is so commanding, confident that every thought has always been right, is right, will be right, that tweaking a man’s heart has no chance of success if the brain isn’t distracted. (Appease Quotes)
There is indeed no such thing in life as absolute darkness; one’s eyes revolt and hasten to fill the vacuum by floating in sparks, dream patterns, figures whimsical and figures grotesque, shifting and clad in complementary colors, to appease the indignant cups and rods of the retina. (Appease Quotes)
When you’re composing for somebody, that means you have a boss. You have to do what it takes to, at the end of the day, appease them. (Appease Quotes)
I don’t want to appease everyone. It seems very difficult to be steadfast on truth and be a politician (Appease Quotes)
It is a sad day for our country when the moral foundation of our law and the acknowledgment of God has to be hidden from public view to appease a federal judge (Appease Quotes)
He whose anger is due to a cause will surely be appeased when the cause is removed. But if his mind harbours groundless hate, how shall another appease him? (Appease Quotes)
People cleave to their worldly possessions and selfish passions so blindly as to sacrifice their own lives for them. They are like a child who tries to eat a little, honey smeared on the edge of a knife. The amount is by no means sufficient to appease his appetite, but he runs the risk of wounding his tongue (Appease Quotes)
It is better to disappoint people with the truth than to appease them with a lie (Appease Quotes)
No man of science wants merely to know. He acquires knowledge to appease his passion for discovery. He does not discover in order to know, he knows in order to discover (Appease Quotes)
Successful... politicians are insecure and intimidated men. They advance politically only as they placate, appease, bribe, seduce, bamboozle or otherwise manage to manipulate the demanding and threatening elements in their constituencies (Appease Quotes)
Warmth, perfume, rugs, soft lights, books. They do not appease me. I am aware of time passing, of all the world contains that I have not seen, of all the interesting people I have not met (Appease Quotes)
Anyone who can appease a man’s conscience can take his freedom away from him (Appease Quotes)
As evacuation eases the body, so occasional ejectment of passion seems to appease the agonies of the soul, and dispose to tranquility the agitations of the heart (Appease Quotes)
It does surprise me that intelligent people in the 21st century could claim that if you respond to the terrorists with force, you spawn terrorism, but if you appease them, you somehow tame them. This argument, as I said, is very interesting, and very surprising (Appease Quotes)
I once spoke to a human geneticist who declared that the notion of intelligence was quite meaningless, so I tried calling him unintelligent. He was annoyed, and it did not appease him when I went on to ask how he came to attach such a clear meaning to the notion of lack of intelligence. We never spoke again (Appease Quotes)
Pessimists are second rate people. They do not believe in life... All they want to do is drag you down and appease their own feelings of mediocrity and fear (Appease Quotes)
There is indeed no such thing in life as absolute darkness; one’s eyes revolt and hasten to fill the vacuum by floating in sparks, dream patterns, figures whimsical and figures grotesque, shifting and clad in complementary colors, to appease the indignant cups and rods of the retina (Appease Quotes)
I think that if you can achieve a balance, then you appease a lot of yourself and your career and what it takes to maintain in this business for a while (Appease Quotes)
This is my chance to get out there and appease the fans of my music as well as show people that I do do standup comedy because a lot of people don’t know that’s where I started (Appease Quotes)
I'm not saying I wasn't flawed or amateurish. But you can never say I did anything to appease the music business (Appease Quotes)