Applause Quotes

Text Quotes
The first time I acted was in high school in Florida, and when I heard that applause I felt so alive and felt that electricity go up my spine (Applause Quotes)
I appreciate your applause, but I don’t do it for applause. I do it for cash, it’s much better (Applause Quotes)
I consider it an indubitable mark of mean-spiritedness and pitiful vanity to court applause from the pen or tongue of man (Applause Quotes)
Dedicate our work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress (Applause Quotes)
Most of the high spots in our lives come about through encouragement. I don’t care how great, how famous, how successful a man may be, he hungers for applause (Applause Quotes)
Take a bow. Hear the applause? My heart is broken and you’re the cause. I played the game and it looks like you’ve won. Congratulations, baby. I hope you’ve had fun (Applause Quotes)
In many ways we were drugged when we were young. We were brought up to need people. For what? For acceptance, approval, appreciation, applause (Applause Quotes)
If you like to make love while listening to music, always choose a live album. That way youll get an applause every 3 to 4 minutes (Applause Quotes)
Having grown up in the theater family, having done a huge amount of acting from a very little boy to precocious teenager in Shakespeare festivals that my father produced, I went off to college and fell in with the theater gang. I was already an experienced actor. I became a kind of campus star. I heard all this applause and laughter (Applause Quotes)
I have discovered three things which know no geographical borders - classical music, American jazz, and applause as the sign of the public’s favor. (Applause Quotes)
The person who seeks all their applause from outside has their happiness in another’s keeping . (Applause Quotes)
C’mon, we’re actors. We love the attention. We love the applause. We sure don’t like to be rejected. (Applause Quotes)
O heart, be at peace, because Nor knave nor dolt can break What’s not for their applause, Being for a woman’s sake. (Applause Quotes)
If you walk into a room and one hundred people say, ‘You are a lovely, beautiful person’, who isn’t going to be affected by that? But you have to tell yourself not to value that. You have to tell yourself - or at least I do - to not become accustomed to hearing applause in any way, because I think that’s dangerous. (Applause Quotes)
You are never too old for applause. What’s satisfying is that I’m being appreciated for what I was trained for. (Applause Quotes)
Once I began doing stand-up, I didn’t get a kick out of the applause or being the centre of attention - but I did get a kick out of the jigsaw puzzle aspect of it, searching for the right bit, adding another few pieces each night until the bigger picture appears. That’s the appeal: the challenge of it. (Applause Quotes)
Years ago, I was performing, and people kept calling out for ‘Puppy Love’ and I just didn’t want to. Then I thought I’d have some fun, so we did this insane heavy metal version of it. The applause was polite. (Applause Quotes)
What good are fans? You can’t eat applause for breakfast. You can’t sleep with it. (Applause Quotes)
There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don’t care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause. (Applause Quotes)
You can tell by the applause: There’s perfunctory applause, there’s light applause, and then there’s real applause. When it’s right, applause sounds like vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. (Applause Quotes)
Man may content himself with the applause of the world and the homage paid to his intellect, but woman’s heart has holier idols. (Applause Quotes)
When we were negotiating the ongoing financial period in 2013, I talked myself hoarse. London and Berlin in particular insisted on reducing the budget. So we - to the applause of German journalists - made cuts to central future-oriented areas and slashed the budget for development aid, research and technology. (Applause Quotes)
There’s nothing nicer than getting a round of applause for turning up for work. It’s amazing! You start work, and people clap. Do you know what I mean? And then they stand up and clap at the end. (Applause Quotes)
Occasionally if you do something extraordinary, the crew responds with spontaneous applause, but that’s very rare. (Applause Quotes)
Humor is the most honest of emotions. Applause for a speech can be insincere, but with humor, if the audience doesn’t like it there’s no faking it. (Applause Quotes)
The applause and the favour of our fellow-men Fan even a spark of genius to a flame (Applause Quotes)
The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you’ll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money. (Applause Quotes)
I’ve never been one for late nights, which is why I have always preferred making films to theatre. A play takes over your life: you start to feel sick at lunchtime, and by mid-afternoon, you’re wishing for a bomb scare so the whole thing will be called off. Of course, if the evening goes well and you get the applause, then it’s wonderful. (Applause Quotes)
From then on, I realized this is what I want to do, what I’m supposed to do: Giving energy and receiving it back through applause. I love it. That’s my world. I love it. I enjoy it. I live for it. (Applause Quotes)
Getting a lot of applause, announcing military reforms and upgrades. It’s a really good speech [of Donald Trump]. (Applause Quotes)