Apple Quotes

Text Quotes
Our approach at Apple has always been to make products we’re proud to own and use ourselves (Apple Quotes)
Not every Apple product makes a big enough difference to me to get instantly, although many do (Apple Quotes)
We’re very simple people at Apple. We focus on making the world’s best products and enriching people’s lives. (Apple Quotes)
I knew a lot about product design before coming to Apple, but I didn’t understand a lot about consumer experience design, which is really Apple’s forte. (Apple Quotes)
The goal of Apple is not to make money but to make really nice products, really great products (Apple Quotes)
I was pretty shocked at the appearance of the Galaxy S phone and the extent to which it appeared to copy Apple products and the problems that would create for us. (Apple Quotes)
What Apple did for technology is brilliant, but they didn’t do nothin’ for our economy (Apple Quotes)
Here’s the thing about Apple technology: once you own a piece, you want to use it (Apple Quotes)
SOPA has been described as hitting a carpet tack with a sledgehammer. But technology was a sledgehammer to the music industry, one that allowed digital distributors like Apple to grow rich. (Apple Quotes)
Trying to get a read on Apple Computer is a lot like learning about quantum physics; you can never know Apple’s position on a technology, and its direction, simultaneously. (Apple Quotes)
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree (Apple Quotes)
Yesterday I staked off the ground on the hill for an orchard. I want to get 1000 apple trees agrowing. (Apple Quotes)
Not sorry, not calling, not crying All will pass like smoke of white apple trees Seized by the gold of autumn, I will no longer be young. (Apple Quotes)
An apple tree is just like a person. In order to thrive, it needs companionship that’s similar to it in some ways, but quite different than others. (Apple Quotes)
Every plant is an individual.Wrong again. We are not individuals at all, we are all connected. We are individuals the way each blossom on an apple tree is an individual. (Apple Quotes)
Look, here is a tree in the garden and every summer is produces apples, and we call it an apple tree because the tree apples. That’s what it does. Alright, now here is a solar system inside a galaxy, and one of the peculiarities of this solar system is that at least on the planet earth, the thing peoples! In just the same way that an apple tree apples! (Apple Quotes)
Do you live and work here? Trinity clenched her fist against his chest, her thoughts spinningAt the ranch?The corner of his mouth quirked and he noddedUh-huh.Oh lord.That’s just great. She rested her head against his muscled chestThat’s like leaving Eve in the garden of Eden not far from the apple tree. Irrisistable temptation within walking distance.Luke chuckled, his chest vibrating beneath her earIrrisistable, huh? (Apple Quotes)
I come from a singing family and as is said, ‘the apple does not fall far from the tree.’ (Apple Quotes)
I think in any father-son relationship, there’s going to be times you say, ‘Well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.’ (Apple Quotes)
It was not the apple on the tree but the pair on the ground that caused the trouble in the garden of Eden. (Apple Quotes)
Okay, it was the Tree of Knowledge. You eat this apple; you’re going to be as smart as God. We can’t have that. (Apple Quotes)
The flowers of the apple are perhaps the most beautiful of any tree’s, so copious and so delicious to both sight and scent. (Apple Quotes)
At the end of my dream, Eve put the apple back on the branch. The tree went back into the ground. It became a sapling, which became a seed. (Apple Quotes)
Never sit under a tree waiting for the apple to fall. Climb the tree, grab that apple!When it comes, never be inert and take your time, TIME TO MOVE! (Apple Quotes)
If human beings could be propagated by cutting, like apple trees, aristocracy would be biologically sound. (Apple Quotes)
Fortunately, like most children, I had learned what is most valuable, most indispensable for life before school years began, taught by apple trees, by rain and sun, river and woods ... (Apple Quotes)
The farther north you go, the fewer fruits and vegetables there are. What kind of apple trees do you suggest the Inuit get their apples from? And how much oil is expended transporting such things out there? It’s an equation. (Apple Quotes)
There is only a policeman in front of something you have need for and don’t have access to, so you put a guard there... But if orange trees and apple trees grew all over the place, you couldn’t sell them. (Apple Quotes)
Everything at Apple can be best understood through the lens of designing. Whether it’s designing the look and feel of the user experience, or the industrial design, or the system design, and even things like how the boards were laid out. (Apple Quotes)
Apple is happy to allow users more control over their devices as long as it also happens to benefit Apple. If it doesn’t, then tough. (Apple Quotes)