Apple Quotes

Text Quotes
The other major kind of computer is the Apple, which I do not recommend, because it is a wuss-o-rama New-Age computer you basically just plug in and use. (Apple Quotes)
My opinion is that the only two computer companies that are software-driven are Apple and NeXT , and I wonder about Apple. (Apple Quotes)
To discuss a Martin Amis book, you must first discuss the orchestrated release of a Martin Amis book. In London, which rightly prides itself on the vibrancy of its literary cottage industry, Amis is the Steve Jobs of book promoters, and his product rollouts are as carefully managed as anything Apple dreams up. (Apple Quotes)
I love crazy names. It comes right from Monty Python and Woody Allen - nothing in the world makes me giggle more than a funny name. It became a thing I started doing when I wrote. If a person came into a store and said, How much is this apple? that person would have an insane name. (Apple Quotes)
And that’s what everyone at Apple is focused on - pushing forward and creating the future (Apple Quotes)
So if you’re rooting around for something to eat, grab an apple while you’re looking, and usually by the time you’re finished eating it, your hunger will have been sidelined; it’s crowding out at its best! (Apple Quotes)
At the end of the day, customer choice is essential. And we don’t make products that compete with Apple, nor make products that compete with Google. Our customers come in both iOS and Android flavors, and I hope our customers can still buy the products they want to purchase wherever they want to purchase them. (Apple Quotes)
We’ve already seen shifts happening in some of the big companies - Google, Apple - that now understand how vulnerable their customer data is, and that if it’s vulnerable, then their business is, too, and so you see a beefing up of encryption technologies. At the same time, no programs have been dismantled at the governmental level, despite international pressure. (Apple Quotes)
I played the piano as a boy for six years, from the time I was six to 12 years old. My piano lessons ended when my father died because our family had no more money. I used to have a mestiza teacher. She’d come once a week to teach me piano lessons, and she’d bribe me each time with an apple; otherwise, I wouldn’t play. (Apple Quotes)
..if a special geometry has to be invented in order to account for a falling apple, even Newton might be appalled at the complications which would ensue when really difficult problems are tackled. (Apple Quotes)
I’ve been a Fellow in a number of companies: Xerox, Apple, Disney, HP. There are certain similarities because all the Fellows programs were derived from IBM’s, which itself was derived from the MIT ‘Institute Professor’ program. (Apple Quotes)
They say you should never eat before you go to bed, but I’ve found just having a tiny little snack - like half an apple or something like that - before you go to sleep really helps. (Apple Quotes)
In popular Egyptian and regional culture, women are seen as weak, easy victims to temptation in the same way Eve couldn’t resist that shiny apple in the Garden of Eden. (Apple Quotes)
Once again, my colleague Stephen Hawking has upset the apple cart. The event horizon surrounding a black hole was once though to be an imaginary sphere. But recent theories indicate that it may actually be physical, maybe even a sphere of fire. But I don’t trust any of these calculations until we have a full-blown string theory calculation, since Einstein’s theory by itself is incomplete. (Apple Quotes)
The apple which tempts my characters is the one that will remove the knowledge of good and evil. I suppose it’s something of a reversal of the conventional Eden story: Freedom of thought is perhaps the greatest good, and needs to be fought for and sacrificed for. (Apple Quotes)
I believe that the Apple Shuffle is an excellent compromise among the conflicting requirements of simplicity, elegance, size, battery life, and function. (Apple Quotes)
I’m a tall woman. At work, that means a lot of my co-stars have to stand next to me on apple crates. But apparently, my height bodes well in the fashion world. (Apple Quotes)
The apple was the first fruit of the world according to Genesis, but it was no Cox’s Orange Pippin. God gave the crab apple and left the rest to man. (Apple Quotes)
I can see the first apple teetering when I let the third arrow go, catching the torn flap and ripping it from the bag. For a moment, everything seems frozen in time. Then the apples spill to the ground and I’m blown backward into the air. (Apple Quotes)
Apple has struck a cultural nerve, especially with Generation X and Gen Y, while Windows and PC are viewed in essence as ‘My parents’ computer’. (Apple Quotes)
If you’re going to build something, don’t build on land someone else already owns. You want your own land, your own domain, your own sovereignty. Trouble is, so much of the choice land - the land where all the people are - is already owned by someone else: By Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, and Apple (in apps, anyway). (Apple Quotes)
There will be Apple Glass, and Google Glass, and RIM Glass. These companies are all working on glass. I think everyone is going to be making glass. I think we’re also going to have a glass war instead of a smartphone war. (Apple Quotes)
I get great pleasure from stuffed foods, from an apple strudel to a vegetable samosa, from a whole roasted bird with a sweet and savoury stuffing to a vine leaf filled with rice and spices. (Apple Quotes)
Steve Jobs made the case to Xerox PARC execs directly that they had great technology but that Apple knew how to make it affordable enough to change the world. This was very open. In the end, Xerox got a large block of Apple stock for sharing the technology. That’s not stealing outright. (Apple Quotes)
One of the greatest things that Apple and Jobs were very good at doing was daring to do the very different thing. It’s what I did with my cookbook, frankly. (Apple Quotes)
Apple embodies a lot of what have been defined as feminine traits: an emphasis on intuitive design, intellect, a strong sense of creativity, and that striving to always make the greatest version of something. (Apple Quotes)
Apple’s Industrial Design team is harder to get into than the Illuminati, and part of the reason is because no one leaves. In the last 15 years, not one of the 18 designers has ditched Apple for greener pastures. (Apple Quotes)
I love green juices - the ones that include lots of actual greens and don’t include too much apple. Because those are just meant to be yummy, and we all know things that are too yummy aren’t the best for us, unfortunately. (Apple Quotes)
What do Harley-Davidson, LEGO, and Apple have in common? They’re all based on communities. (Apple Quotes)