Approach Quotes

Text Quotes
People on the pathway to enlightenment become very successful in whatever they approach, because they have learned to discipline the mind (Approach Quotes)
A life that most people will never even know about can be yours in this study, but only if you approach it with equanimity, poise, grace, balance, and professionalism (Approach Quotes)
The incremental approach to change is effective when what you want is more of what you’ve already got (Approach Quotes)
I always try to make myself be very approachable and easy to talk to, so hopefully people will feel that they can approach me (Approach Quotes)
As photographers, we must learn to relax our beliefs. Move on objects with your eye straight on, to the left, around on the right. Watch them grow large as they approach, group and regroup as you shift your position. Relationships gradually emerge and sometimes assert themselves with finality. And that’s your picture (Approach Quotes)
Developing a genius mindset essentially comes down to two things: operating at speed and using the subconscious mind more than the conscious. This intuitive or relaxed approach to study is the polar opposite of traditional and mainstream forms of education (Approach Quotes)
I really admire artists that are willing to take a different approach and a different angle to their shows (Approach Quotes)
It’s a job. It’s not a hobby. You don’t write the way you build a model airplane. You have to sit down and work, to schedule your time and stick to it. Even if it’s just for an hour or so each day, you have to get a babysitter and make the time. If you’re going to make writing succeed you have to approach it as a job (Approach Quotes)
A religious approach to marriage is the idea that if we work hard enough at something, we can earn the acceptance, approval, and life we think we deserve because of our obedient performance (Approach Quotes)
Imagine you are walking in the woods and you see a small dog sitting by a tree. As you approach it, it suddenly lunges at you, teeth bared. You are frightened and angry. But then you notice that one of its legs is caught in a trap. Immediately your mood shifts from anger to concern: You see that the dog’s aggression is coming from a place of vulnerability and pain. This applies to all of us. When we behave in hurtful ways, it is because we are caught in some kind of trap. The more we look through the eyes of wisdom at ourselves and one another, the more we cultivate a compassionate heart (Approach Quotes)
I like to approach comedy from character, to have the stakes for the individuals in the story be very high (Approach Quotes)
I think a good entrepreneur has a very clear grasp of what the goal is, an unwavering sense of the goal, an utterly agile approach of getting there (Approach Quotes)
I have not been part of an active counterculture movement, as it is not the approach that I have personally pursued to create a qualitatively beneficial and meaningful impact on society (Approach Quotes)
No other human relationship can approach the potential for intimacy and oneness than can be found within the context of a marriage commitment. And yet no other relationship can bring with it as many adjustments, difficulties and even hurts. There’s no way you can avoid these difficulties; each couple’s journey is unique. But there is much you can do to prepare for that journey. An engagement is not just a time of preparation for a wedding, but also preparation for a marriage (Approach Quotes)
I just try to approach every opportunity on stage, as if it’s my first time and my last time (Approach Quotes)
I do think you have sort of a general philosophical approach that you want from a justice, and I think a strict constructionist would be probably the way I’d describe it (Approach Quotes)
You are spending millions and millions of dollars of other peoples money when you make a movie. You have to at least approach it in a way where you can see how you can make that money back for the people who are investing (Approach Quotes)
I think movie making can sometimes make you lazy in your approach. Occasionally you’ll be shooting a scene and it’s not even your coverage but you’ll catch yourself slipping away and you’ll see your mind going somewhere else. But you just can’t afford to do that on stage (Approach Quotes)
At the approach of danger two voices speak with equal force in the heart of man: one very reasonably tells the man to consider the nature of the danger and the means of avoiding it and the other, even more reasonable, says that it is too painful and harassing to think of the danger... better to turn aside from the painful subject till it has come, and to think of what is pleasant. In solitude a man generally yields to the first voice; in society to the second (Approach Quotes)
The nearer I approach the end, the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple (Approach Quotes)
The history of human growth is at the same time the history of every new idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn, and the brighter dawn has always been considered illegal, outside of the law (Approach Quotes)
I will help you to approach if you approach, and to keep away if you keep away (Approach Quotes)
To need nothing is divine, and the less a man needs the nearer does he approach to divinity (Approach Quotes)
I think that horror fiction is one of the ways to approach these problems of death (Approach Quotes)
Very beautiful situations have developed using chaos as part of the enlightened approach. There is chaos of all kinds developing all the time... If you are trying to stop those situations, you are looking for external means of liberating yourself, another answer. But if we are able to look into the basic situation, then chaos is the inspiration, confusion is the inspiration (Approach Quotes)
No one can stop or control your thought process or your thinking. You can think anything you want. But that doesn’t seem to be the point. The thinking process has to be directed into a certain approach... not in accord with certain dogma, philosophy, or concepts. Instead, one has to know the thinker itself (Approach Quotes)
If you approach the ocean with a cup, you can only take away a cupful; if you approach it with a bucket you can take away a bucketful (Approach Quotes)
Obviously the current approach on steroids both in professional sports and amateur sports is not working (Approach Quotes)
I am not limiting myself to theories, so I never question the rightness to my approach (Approach Quotes)
What we usually find is that when people think they have a new idea or approach something for the first time, it is actually a recurrence of a line of thinking explored in the past (Approach Quotes)