Aquinas was once asked, with what compendium a man might become learned? He answered by reading of one book

Aquinas was once asked, with what compendium a man might become learned? He answered by reading of one book
Jeremy Taylor, a prominent theologian and writer of the 17th century, was greatly influenced by the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, a renowned philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. Aquinas was once asked, with what compendium a man might become learned? He answered by reading of one book. This statement holds great significance in the context of Jeremy Taylor's own beliefs and writings.Taylor, like Aquinas, believed in the power of knowledge and learning. He was a prolific writer, producing numerous works on theology, ethics, and spirituality. Taylor's writings were deeply influenced by his Christian faith and his desire to understand and explain the mysteries of God and the universe. In his works, Taylor often emphasized the importance of reading and studying the Bible as a means of gaining wisdom and understanding.
For Taylor, the Bible was not just a religious text, but a source of knowledge and insight that could guide individuals in their quest for truth and understanding. He believed that by immersing oneself in the teachings of the Bible, one could gain a deeper understanding of the world and their place in it. Taylor saw the Bible as a compendium of knowledge, a book that contained all the wisdom and truth that a person needed to become learned.