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Archaic Quotes

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That is why we profess a spiritual kinship with primitive and archaic art  (Archaic Quotes) They’re protecting an archaic industry. They should turn their attention to new models  (Archaic Quotes) Painting is, I think, inevitably an archaic activity and one that depends on spiritual values  (Archaic Quotes) Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture  (Archaic Quotes) If you see a wonderful archaic Greek marble object in a museum, it’s not only that it’s beautiful, but what comes to your mind is the fact that it’s 2,600 or so years old, and it was done by a human being at that time who you have such a limited ability to grasp - and yet you have this enormous ability to grasp.  (Archaic Quotes) Human beings are born and begin their evolution through the great spiral of consciousness, moving from archaic to magic to mythic to rational to perhaps integral, and from there perhaps into genuinely transpersonal domains. But for every person that moves into integral or higher, dozens are born into the archaic  (Archaic Quotes) Cultural anthropology is not valuable because it uncovers the archaic in the psychological sense. It is valuable because it is constantly rediscovering the normal  (Archaic Quotes) Surrealism: An archaic term. Formerly an art movement. No longer distinguishable from everyday life  (Archaic Quotes) Galvanised into action by the second trial, I was determined to change Britain’s archaic sex laws  (Archaic Quotes) A smile appears on the faces of most archaic figures, a happiness of expression seeming to transcend that of human beings  (Archaic Quotes) There is no contradiction between technology and spirit. There is no contradiction between the search for intellectual integration and understanding and the psychedelic experience. There is no contradiction between ultra-advanced hyperspacial cyber culture and Paleolithic archaic culture. We have come to the end of our sojourn in matter. We have come to the end of our separateness  (Archaic Quotes) Our minds can go no further. The human imagination is capable of no further expression of beauty than the carved owl of Athene, the archaic, marble serpent, the arrogant selfish head of the Acropolis Apollo  (Archaic Quotes) How dare you refer to my beautiful children as ‘synthetic’. And shame on you for wagging your judgemental little fingers at IVF - a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfill their dream of having children, your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever again  (Archaic Quotes) To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate  (Archaic Quotes) Every civilized human being, whatever his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche.  (Archaic Quotes) My father was a creature of the archaic world, really. He would have been entirely at home in a Gaelic hill-fort. His side of the family, and the houses I associate with his side of the family, belonged to a traditional rural Ireland.  (Archaic Quotes) Picasso is what is going to happen and what is happening; he is posterity and archaic time, the distant ancestor and our next-door neighbor. Speed permits him to be two places at once, to belong to all the centuries without letting go of the here and now.  (Archaic Quotes) The notion of ‘world leadership’ is a curiously archaic one. The very phrase is redolent of Kipling ballads and James Bondian adventures. What makes a country a world leader? Is it population, in which case India is on course to top the charts, overtaking China as the world’s most populous country by 2034?  (Archaic Quotes) The world is filled with archaic objects - mailboxes which look like alarm boxes, banks which look like places to break out of rather than places to enter.  (Archaic Quotes) A smile appears on the faces of most archaic figures, a happiness of expression seeming to transcend that of human beings.  (Archaic Quotes) Painting and sculpture are very archaic forms. It’s the only thing left in our industrial society where an individual alone can make something with not just his own hands, but brains, imagination, heart maybe.  (Archaic Quotes) It is to have a compulsive, repetitive, and nostalgic desire for the archive, an irrepressible desire to return to the origin, a homesickness, a nostalgia for the return to the most archaic place of absolute commencement  (Archaic Quotes) Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a Lesbian  (Archaic Quotes) And then he tells her stories. Myths he learned from his instructor. Fantasies he created himself, inspired by bits and pieces of others read in archaic books with crackling spines  (Archaic Quotes) Must his simplicity of thought and occasional quaintness be reproduced in the form of archaisms of language; and that not only because the affectation of an archaic  (Archaic Quotes) Western science is a product of the Apollonian mind: its hope is that by naming and classification, by the cold light of intellect, archaic night can be pushed back and defeated  (Archaic Quotes) Painting and sculpture are very archaic forms. It’s the only thing left in our industrial society where an individual alone can make something with not just his own hands, but brains, imagination, heart maybe  (Archaic Quotes) The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it  (Archaic Quotes) What’s really interesting about that is that a lot of these words that were incendiary in their time now seem almost harmless and laughable, because they have this archaic quality  (Archaic Quotes) Ircumcision, an archaic ritual mutilation that has no justification whatever and no place in a civilized society  (Archaic Quotes)
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