Archibald Marwizi Quotes
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Text Quotes
Your life is connected to other key support structures that you must never neglect, including family, fans, supporters, affiliations, professional associations, religious membership and others. Your membership to such groupings must add value to others whilst you equally get the benefit they are supposed to provide their members. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Make sure your reading, studying or research are always adding value to the defined vision, mission, beliefs and values that form your unique personal brand. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Even if the creative brilliance sparks only once, it needs to be accelerated and developed so it has self-sustaining strategies to continue adding value to both the initiator and those it serves. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
An entrepreneurial spirit makes you someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business enterprise, talent or calling to become an agent of change. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Internalising success means that even if a misfortune takes away all the evidence or traces of success, yet what made you successful, remains. Soon enough, the evidence will return. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
The challenge therefore, as you strive for success, is to make it a habit to live your life on purpose. You must learn to make deliberate plans and then practice the art and science of doing things on purpose. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Never stop asking questions. Always take time to reflect and find answers. Stop, Think and Use Your Brain! (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
If your belief system, mission, values and attitude are poisoned or contaminated, then expect whatever you enjoy and perceive as success to be short-lived. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Creating the right mind-set and a positive attitude today, will help you to start crafting a clear plan of how you intend to make your life a success. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Choices and decisions must be supported by your passion, resolve and a productive work ethic. If these meet opportunity - your success has finally come! (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Your values, as guiding principles, will influence your attitude towards yourself, life, other people, work and even challenges or success itself. Your values are a product of your beliefs. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
You should be able to criticize and evaluate yourself before others do it. Check for congruity between your defined mission, vision, values and your practiced attitude, behaviour and habits. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
The wisdom that comes from being conscious of the real threats to you and your mission will sharpen your deliberateness in decision and choice-making, associations and positioning. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Aligning your values and beliefs to your behaviour, increases your chances of being effective at living a fulfilling life without the stress of guilt-consciousness, internal strife or internal conflict (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Train your emotions to listen to your fundamental empowering beliefs. Be principle-centred and values-driven. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
The unfairness of judging others comes in that we judge them on the basis of our own values and beliefs, yet we can never exactly stand on common ground. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Values are the guiding principles through which you make choices and decisions. They are influenced by your beliefs, and will help you uphold a higher standard of personal character. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Better planning guarantees success; ask anyone who has planned a one day event like a wedding. How much planning should you therefore put in the kind of life you want to succeed at? (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
If you check your personal blind spots, you can be able to guard against focusing on what you cannot do, but reduce the areas of weakness by taking their space with more of your strengths. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
Everyone is a business person. You must be in the business of managing your time. Managing your time means managing your life. Good time managers are good life managers, and vice versa. (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
First accept the reality that we are all prejudiced because we have things and issues we have biases towards or against, based on our beliefs, thoughts and experiences. Accept that it is possible to differ on opinions, beliefs and philosophies without necessarily becoming inhumane or acrimonious towards each other (Archibald Marwizi Quotes)
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