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There are many places that people can produce really good food. I wouldn’t limit it to an area of the country, it’s what the chefs have in them  (Area Quotes) When you live in a watershed area, in a pristine area, and you could watch this whole place fall apart in front of your eyes, you don’t sell your soul for a buck  (Area Quotes) I really see food as subjective. It’s a creative outlet. It’s something that you do for fun. It’s a gray area. It’s not black and white or right and wrong  (Area Quotes) Sometimes when we are afraid to confess an area of brokenness or sin in our lives, we know the changes we need to make  (Area Quotes) I’ve sort of prided myself on playing characters with conscience. The first way I go about creating a character is looking at that area of conscience. What have they done, and what has it cost  (Area Quotes) It’s very human to try to put things into boxes, and it’s hard for us to reconcile with grey areas, and yet somehow that’s the area I find the most poetic, the juiciest  (Area Quotes) It’s as important to be well informed in this area, if you’re going to do it, as it is to be well informed about procedures in skin diving and that sort of thing if you’re going to do that  (Area Quotes) You might be a redneck if you won’t stop at a rest area if you have an empty beer can in the car  (Area Quotes) Every area had their own superstar. The TV was not national, it was localized. So you could develop in one place, or the next place and be a better star, go to the next place and be a superstar  (Area Quotes) As a reader I gravitate toward work that rests in the gray area, that doesn’t come with easy answers  (Area Quotes) I was never unhappy with the shows. I didn’t get into [the writing]. I had an area. My area was my character. My area was what they gave me to do  (Area Quotes) I grew up in such a small area that there really weren’t any acting classes. So I had to wait till I got to college  (Area Quotes) Absolutely, it’s a Sunni area. So the key here, once Ramadi is taken that you have the Sunni tribal fighters, Sunni police in there patrolling the city  (Area Quotes) I’m just warning you here: Don’t anybody ask about the president’s religion! Don’t even get close to going there. Don’t do it. That is a forbidden area. You cannot even ask about it  (Area Quotes) I was influenced by my children’s education in Quaker schools in the Philadelphia area. I experienced a spiritual awakening and became a Christian, was baptized, and joined a church  (Area Quotes) Cognitive science is a rapidly developing area, so it could be that there are some surprises around the corner. That does seem to be kind of where the trend line is leading  (Area Quotes) You really get tired in one area of your life, and then you start questioning your whole existence  (Area Quotes) If you’ve ever driven across Texas, you know how different one area of the state can be from another. Take El Paso. It looks as much like Dallas as I look like Jack Nicklaus  (Area Quotes) When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years. It’s an area of intense interest. I can’t say more than that  (Area Quotes) I would hate to see the state of Wisconsin make another mistake and locate another casino in a high-density population area  (Area Quotes) If I lead the field in any way, it is in the area of curricula development, study guides and other teaching materials  (Area Quotes) A place is an area within an environment that has been altered in such a way to make the general environment more conspicuous  (Area Quotes) In every area, working with what you habitually reject is one of the best ways to facilitate growth and transformation  (Area Quotes) One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development  (Area Quotes) One area I have a huge amount of trouble in is writing about myself. I get a heavy, almost depressed feeling  (Area Quotes) I lived in an area where there were a lot of rock musicians, and we got together regularly in our studios  (Area Quotes) Many of the engineers I interviewed worked on reverse-engineering technology. It’s a hallmark of Area 51  (Area Quotes) In the area of macroeconomic policies, I think we’ll see more centralization, like in the budgetary sphere  (Area Quotes) Food is available, but it cannot be shipped into an area, so the people in that area suffer the consequences  (Area Quotes) My basic strategy is to stick to my core business, and to my area of expertise. My businesses are all related - retail, shopping centers, banking, real estate and tourism development. Together they create synergy  (Area Quotes)
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