Area Quotes

Text Quotes
By the time I finished comedy, I was really burnt out of it. I had had enough. I don’t really have a strong desire to prove myself in that area, or to go back to it in any great way. (Area Quotes)
No matter what business you’re in, business is business, and financing and money are critical. I would have made a lot fewer mistakes if I had more schooling in that area. (Area Quotes)
I think you might see us growing much deeper into banking. You might see us acquiring companies in the banking area. You might see us acquiring companies in the retail area. I think you might see us acquiring companies in the telecommunications. I think you will see us getting stronger in business intelligence. (Area Quotes)
You have nothing coming into a major metropolitan area to relocate or locate your business and employees. And you can go across the country and you’ll see that. (Area Quotes)
What I will say is that business is not a nice area. And you might say that I am a business woman, but I’m not into cut-throat business moves. (Area Quotes)
When I was training for the Chicago Marathon, I would eat a cup of cereal after an 18-mile long run, and then I’d have to get out the door with nothing but a granola bar in my hand. I can’t change my busy schedule with my kids, but I can work harder to improve in this area. I think it’s a part of training that most of us find difficult. (Area Quotes)
If you get outside the world of show business and its satellites, there’s a whole world of car nuts in the Los Angeles area. (Area Quotes)
Britain should be the world’s number one center for genetic and stem cell research, building on our world leading regulatory regime in the area. (Area Quotes)
One of the funny things about the racism of the system, when I started 30 years ago, I’m in an area called Koreatown and most of the kids were Asian. And when the kids did well, people said, Well, of course, they did well. They’re Asians. But when we had this huge influx of Latino children from Central America, they said, Oh, you’re gonna have problems now. (Area Quotes)
We know there are certain types of viruses that are nasty - influenza, for instance, is an area that is not a blindside. But a lot of viruses have come out of nowhere, like H.I.V., or to a certain extent SARS. Because we know we have the potential to be blindsided, we really have to investigate the unknowns. (Area Quotes)
It’s actually very hard to find an area of the economy that doesn’t fundamentally change in the measure that we are able to read and write life code. (Area Quotes)
I wasn’t thinking of a sequel when I finished ‘Life Class.’ What changed my mind was the perception that the characters had a lot of life left in them, a lot of unresolved conflicts, and also I became interested in the Tonks pastel portraits of facially disfigured soldiers and in the whole area of facial reconstruction. (Area Quotes)
One of the things that strikes me is so many of the critics are people whose lifestyle doesn’t change when the price of fuel changes, or if they keep a Wal-Mart store out of their area. (Area Quotes)
Urbanization is not about simply increasing the number of urban residents or expanding the area of cities. More importantly, it’s about a complete change from rural to urban style in terms of industry structure, employment, living environment and social security. (Area Quotes)
We are...a Divine work of art, something that God is making...something with which He will not be satisfied until it has a certain character. (Area Quotes)
We like to put people on a pedestal, give them one character trait, and if they step outside of that shrinelike area that we blocked out for them, then we will punish them. (Area Quotes)
I actually didn’t grow up in a household that loved Chinese food particularly, and it’s not really my go-to food or anything... We were more a pizza family, being from the Chicago area and all. (Area Quotes)
If people grow things themselves, their children understand, then schools in the area know that this community’s generating something with its own energy, to consume. (Area Quotes)
I always choose an area that is of personal interest, but I don’t plan my travels in detail. There are so many variables one cannot predict: the changing light, weather, personal mood, and often just plain luck. Of course, you must have a starting point, so I establish some fixed points then improvise as I go. In many cases the locations seem to choose me. (Area Quotes)
We have no middle ground, no foggy gray area where we can sin a little without suffering spiritual decline. That is why we must repent and come to Christ daily on submissive knees so that we can prevent our bonfires of testimony from being snuffed out by sin. (Area Quotes)
I was influenced by my children’s education in Quaker schools in the Philadelphia area. I experienced a spiritual awakening and became a Christian, was baptized, and joined a church. (Area Quotes)
The liberal understanding of ‘the separation of church and state’ means that as the area of politics expands, the area of private freedom - religious and otherwise - shrinks. (Area Quotes)
I have a friend who lives in the South Side of Chicago. I helped out at a church charity there where they try to give a bit of cohesion to a desperate area. Everyone was very welcoming. (Area Quotes)
I was born in the city’s general hospital on November 15, 1930, and we lived at 31 Amherst Avenue in the western suburbs. It was a magical place. There were receptions at the French Club, race meetings at the Shanghai Racecourse, and various patriotic gatherings at the British Embassy on the Bund, the city’s glamorous waterfront area. (Area Quotes)
Smart habitation is an integrated area of villages and a city working in harmony and where the rural and urban divide has reduced to thin line. (Area Quotes)
Until the end of elementary school, I lived in a suburban area, so the type of village I used to live in is borderline between village and the city, so I’m familiar with the rustic environment. (Area Quotes)
It would be great to take one city street and turn it into a pedestrian corridor and see what kind of effect it has on the businesses in that area - It’s the future I think. (Area Quotes)
The human body was designed by a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area ? (Area Quotes)
The last thing we want to do is to go into an area and inflict unnecessary civilian casualties. One is too many. (Area Quotes)
The fact that this highly classified information of very, very important people in many cases was so poorly protected demonstrates that cybersecurity is just one more area where the [Barack] Obama administration has failed. (Area Quotes)